45K Views. locale: 'EN' , The Ministry of Information (MOI), is the official public relations outfit of government. Remarks by Counselor for Public Affairs Virginia Elliott – The Spelling Bee Semi-Finals, Academy of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) Virtual Launch of Phase Two – PAO Virginia Elliott’s Remarks, Customer Service Announcement – Resumption of Routine Consular Services for U.S. Citizens, The U.S. Embassy Partners with Mobile Web Ghana to Inaugurate a New Cultural and Educational Center, U.S.-Ghana Trade Relationship Continues to Grow with Conclusion of First Virtual U.S. This situation has necessitated measures and response by government and non-state actors to support the citizenry. No. The U.S. Embassy in Accra closed to the public effective March 25 at 5:00 p.m. Embassy staff continue to work remotely and will do their utmost to assist U.S. citizens in emergency situations. Yes. container: '.search_form' , March 17, 2020 Next post. Pius Enam Hadzide intimated that the government’s strategy was anchored on 5 main pillars.Limit importation of COVID-19 CasesContain community spread to the barest minimumProvide optimum care for affected personsLimit the impact of COVID-19 on the socioeconomic life of Ghanaians Deepen our self-reliance and increase production capacityHe said measures deployed by the government to fight the virus were necessary for the interest of public health. Eric Kwakye Darfour noted that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused serious human suffering and challenged the foundation of our society. This closure is being taken out of an abundance of caution and in order to continue to protect U.S. citizens in Ghana, maintain the safety of the U.S. Embassy staff, and ensure we abide by the government of Ghana’s call for minimum movement to defeat COVID-19. Active cases were 530 and 301 deaths.“Around the world, it appears there is a second wave so we must continue to strengthen our country's response to COVID-19 pandemic to minimize the risk and negative impact posed by the disease”. Categories Covid-19; Date March 17, 2020; Share: MOI Previous post . The test carries a $150 fee per person. Upon arrival, each traveler age five and over must undergo a COVID-19 test conducted at the airport. Find the latest updated information. No. Conferences, workshops, weddings, and private burials are permitted with a maximum attendance of 100 persons. Large sporting events, political rallies, and festivals are suspended until further notice. Nightclubs, bars, beaches, and cinemas must also remain closed until further notice. Pius Enam Hadzide and in his address requested the revered chiefs to lead the rollout of the community engagement and risk education strategy to deepen awareness of COVID-19 in sustaining the safety protocols. }); onReady: function () { Individuals who depart Ghana and return within one week will not need to present a negative PCR COVID-19 test. Domestic airplanes, taxis, and buses are operating at full capacity. Not wearing a face covering in public could result in a fine of 12,000 to 60,000 cedis, and/or a prison sentence of four to ten years. He said although COVID-19 statistics in Ghana looks encouraging in terms of the rate of recoveries, low death rate, and declined active cases, it is important to sustain the gains. ', Those who test positive for COVID-19 will complete arrival procedures with the help of airport health officials before transfer to Ga East Municipal Hospital for clinical assessment and management. Yes. For foreign citizens who want to live permanently in the United States. Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo for his leadership and management of Covid-19 and the measures put in place to slow down the spread of COVID 19 in Ghana. Travelers can pay the fee online before departure at. Graphic Communications Group Company Limited (GCGCL), Tema-Mpakadan Railway Line To Be Completed In August 2020, Akufo-Addo appoints former WHO Director as Co-ordinator for Coronavirus Response Programme, It takes compassionate leadership to successfully manage COVID 19-Nkrumah, Government admonishes EC and security agencies on COVID-19 protocols, Prez Nana Akufo-Addo takes a 14 day precautionary COVID-19 self-isolation measure, Gov’t begins stakeholder consultation on Agyapa deal, Ghana remains committed to warm relations with Nigeria – Oppong Nkrumah, Gov’t engaging in innovative ways of utilizing our mineral resources – Ofori-Atta. apiKey: '505b20bfe024d820138df5b38458b894' , This will also help to reduce the high disease burden cost of NHIS.“The media should help educate and encourage Ghanaians to do regular exercise; to eat our local foods as well as eat more fruits and vegetables, have enough rest, and avoid stress" he urged.Leading the Ministry of Information delegation was the Deputy Minister for Information Hon. Leading the Ministry of Information delegation was the Deputy Minister for Information Hon. Fees vary per institution and are not covered by the Government of Ghana. Travelers who test negative for COVID-19 will be allowed to enter Ghana with no quarantine requirement. }, By U.S. Embassy in Ghana | 13 March, 2020 | Topics: Alert. However, they will still be subject to testing upon arrival at the airport. Restaurants are operating with appropriate social distancing precautions. Accra Kotoka International Airport reopened for regular international passenger travel on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. Accra Kotoka International Airport reopened for regular international passenger travel on Tuesday, September 1, 2020. 27 … Da Costa further posited that the pandemic has not left us yet and there is no vaccine to protect us against the virus. Related Videos. He thanked the chiefs for their instrumental role in the fight against COVID 19. Tema-Mpakadan Railway Line To Be Completed In August 2020. Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? Analysis on Covid-19 active cases. COVID – 19 UPDATES. The workshop was chaired by His Royal Majesty, Okyehene Osagyefo Amotia Ofori Panin, and the President of the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs and Paramount Chief of Akyem Abuakwa.In his opening remarks, Okyehene Osagyefo Amotia Ofori Panin on behalf of his chiefs thanked the President H.E.

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