"[102], In 2015, several members of the Assad family died in Latakia under unclear circumstances. [206][207], Assad has indicated that the peace treaty that he envisions would not be the same kind of peace treaty Israel has with Egypt, where there is a legal border crossing and open trade. [191], Although Egypt has not been vocal in support for any sides of Syria's ongoing civil war, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said in 2016 that his nation's priority is "supporting national armies", which he said included the Syrian Armed Forces. Oh, what did it mean? [40] Assad's youngest brother, Majd, was not a public figure and little is known about him other than he was intellectually disabled,[41] and died in 2009 after a "long illness". Interior Minister Bassam Abdul-Majeed stated that "Syria, which condemns this cowardly terrorist act, expresses condolences to the martyr family and to the Lebanese people. [339][340] In 2001, Asma gave birth to their first child, a son named Hafez after the child's grandfather Hafez al-Assad. RAVIO: There is a myth around him. He remarked about Osama bin Laden, commenting: "[he] cannot talk on the phone or use the Internet, but he can direct communications to the four corners of the world? We’re clearly heading into more of a focus on whatever the Doctor and the Master will be up to rather than our Cyber-friends, now forced to play the supporting role to the true villain. [164] Stephen Rapp, the United States Ambassador-at-Large for War Crimes Issues, has argued that the crimes allegedly committed by Assad are the worst seen since those of Nazi Germany. Highest ranking honour of the Republic of Italy. [35] Al-Assad in Arabic means "the Lion". Why did the first few have to be tortured to be re-activated, but all the other Cybermen on the ship were fine? [40], Assad's sister, Bushra al-Assad, and mother, Anisa Makhlouf, left Syria in 2012 and 2013, respectively, to live in the United Arab Emirates. [113], After a string of government defeats in northern and southern Syria, analysts noted growing government instability coupled with continued waning support for the Assad government among its core Alawite base of support,[114] and that there were increasing reports of Assad relatives, Alawites, and businessmen fleeing Damascus for Latakia and foreign countries. Where most Cybermen are cold and emotionless, slave to logic, Ashad is motivated by a passionate self-hatred. ISIS, al-Nusra Front and affiliated jihadist groups reportedly took the lead in an offensive on Alawite villages in Latakia Governorate of Syria in August 2013. [30] The OPCW-UN Joint Investigative Mechanism concluded in October 2017 that Assad's government was responsible for the Khan Shaykhun chemical attack. We don’t know yet, either. [228] Other leaked cables contained remarks by US general David Petraeus which stated that "Bashar al-Asad was well aware that his brother-in-law 'Asif Shawqat, Director of Syrian Military Intelligence, had detailed knowledge of the activities of AQI facilitator Abu Ghadiya, who was using Syrian territory to bring foreign fighters and suicide bombers into Iraq", with later cables adding that Petraeus thought that "in time, these fighters will turn on their Syrian hosts and begin conducting attacks against Bashar al-Assad's regime itself". As well as the treaty, the future of the Golan Heights was being discussed. Meet His Family", Bashar's Syria: The Regime and its Strategic Worldview, "Bashar Al Assad: An Intimate Profile of a Mass Murderer", "Man in the News; The Shy Young Doctor at Syria's Helm; Bashar al-Assad", "The enigma of Assad: How a painfully shy eye doctor turned into a murderous tyrant", "We are going to send him on a trip. Doctor Who ‘The Timeless Children’: behind the scenes. Assad argued that Syria's gradual withdrawal of troops from Lebanon was a result of the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafic Hariri. [136] President Assad also told the Agence France-Presse that Syria's military had given up all its chemical weapons in 2013, and would not have used them if they still retained any, and stated that the chemical attack was a "100 percent fabrication" used to justify a U.S. The move against Hassan marked an important milestone of prosecutors trying to bring senior members of Assad's inner circle to trial for war crimes. And yet, that’s what this episode does constantly, making an alluring mirror to the trajectory of the humans we meet here too. [259][261], During the interview with Jeremy Bowen in February 2015, Assad noted that the sources of the extreme ideology of Islamic State (ISIS) and other al-Qaeda affiliate groups are the Wahabbism that has been supported by kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [282] In 2014, the Simon Wiesenthal Center claimed that Bashar al-Assad had sheltered Alois Brunner in Syria, and alleged that Brunner advised the Assad government on purging Syria's Jewish community. Rot in hell", "How Syria's 'Geeky' President Went From Doctor to Dictator", "CNN Transcript – Breaking News: President Hafez Al-Assad Assad of Syria Confirmed Dead", "Syrian President Bashar al-Assad: Facing down rebellion", "The rise of Syria's controversial president Bashar al-Assad", "Outsourcing the Torture of Suspected Terrorists", "America's gulag: Syrian regime was a 'common destination' for CIA rendition", "A staggering map of the 54 countries that reportedly participated in the CIA's rendition program", "Syria's Assad: Regime strong because of my anti-Israel stance", "Rafik Hariri: In Lebanon, assassination reverberates 10 years later", "Middle East – New Hariri report 'blames Syria, "Administration Takes Additional Steps to Hold the Government of Syria Accountable for Violent Repression Against the Syrian People", "U.S. imposes sanctions on Syria's Assad", "EU imposes sanctions on President Assad", "Canada imposes sanctions on Syrian leaders", "Speech of H.E.

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