You may be a strict vegan and as such you don’t take dairy products. So substituting the same amount of cheddar cheese for cottage cheese will naturally lead to you taking in 4 times more calories. Almond contains a lot more calories, and 20 almonds will have about the same amount of calories as one can of tuna. However, many do not prefer egg for dietary reasons. When substituting, you should keep in mind the calorie amounts and make sure they are the same as the substituted carrots. Try to only substitute the foods you can’t eat. Some just dislike it, while others can’t take it because of medical reasons such as the grapefruit interfering with prescribed medication. You just have to know what to substitute for what. Not only are they low in calories but rich in protein and vitamins. The main goal of the military diet is to help you lose 10 pounds in 1-week. Some agree with this and some don’t. For some people, due to food allergies or personal preferences, this might not always be possible. You can substitute any meat on the military diet list with lentils, beans, or tofu. Other substitutes for tuna include cottage cheese, tofu, or almonds. If you like tuna but still want something more intriguing rather than plain old tuna, you can try grilled sushi grade tuna. It should be the same amount as the plain tuna you’re substituting. When doing so, make sure the calories are the same as the amount of green beans you’re substituting. All the food items on this diet menu are easily replaceable with other foods of equal calorie and nutritious value. In case if you’re looking for a vegetarian substitute for tuna, then you can include: Ice creams are tasty and relishing for most people. Grapefruit Substitutions: Orange, Mandarin Oranges. You can substitute this vegetable with any of the green vegetables in the same category. “It’s also known as the Navy diet, the Army diet and sometimes the ice cream diet because, in addition to hot dogs and tuna fish, you get to eat ice cream on all three days of the program (1).”. You can say the same about various other military diet substitutes. Finding 3 Day Military Diet substitutions is easy. You can replace eggs with 2 bacon slices, 1 chicken wing, a cup of milk, or ¼ cup of nuts or seeds. It’s full of filling protein yet low in calories and very nutritious. keep this in mind as you choose your substations. Then worry no more as I will show you the best military diet substitutes you can try! Baking soda and grapefruit (although grapefruit tastes acidic) are rendered alkaline when digested, and this produces alkaline conditions in the body which help in the burning of fat. Unlike many other weight loss programs, you need not do strenuous workout sessions to lose weight in this effective weight loss program. Vegans and vegetarian can use: 300-calories worth of lentils, beans, Portello mushrooms, Substitute with other green vegetables such as asparagus, spinach, Brussel sprouts or cauliflower, Use bell peppers, parsnips, squash, celery or beets. Egg in Military Diet is replaceable with: Grapefruit, a citrus fruit, is very beneficial for weight loss. Just click to enlarge it, then right-click to print. Some of the possible alternatives to the grapefruit diet are: The green bean is a versatile vegetable that is both high in dietary fiber and low in fat. Green nutrient-dense vegetables are great for weight loss and green beans are no exception. It is not the best diet plan either. Pros & Corns Revealed, 10 Personal Reasons Why You Fail To Lose Weight. The experts say no. Fortunately, there are many diets that can substitute the peanuts butter on the 3-day diet menu. Most of the leafy vegetables are an excellent substitute for the green beans. Fortunately, most people love to eat carrot as its taste is palatable. ��[A��5x)"���,��`y�(}�n=�-��lu��J������o�����ó��NU"B�p�`����m�6b�[��d��n3H�= One hard-boiled egg could be substituted with half of an avocado. While on the military diet, you can substitute bread with whole-grain foods like whole-grain cereals, protein bar, or even ¼ cup of yoghurt. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); List Of 3 Day Military Diet Substitutions, Important Aspects Of 3 Day Military Diet Substitutions, “It’s also known as the Navy diet, the Army diet and sometimes the ice cream diet because, in addition to hot dogs and tuna fish, you get to eat ice cream on all three days of the program (, Naturally, the best substitute for coffee is, For Non-vegetarians the best substitutes for the, Fortunately, there are many diets that can substitute the, The Military diet, also known as the 3 Day Diet is a, Some of the internet reports and videos even falsely term this diet program as the American Heart Association diet, the, How To Lose 20 Pounds In 2 Weeks With Healthy Diet Plan And Lifestyle Changes, How Long Does It Take To Lose Weight?

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