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The Holy scriptures by Joseph Smith, Jr., 1867, Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 0000198761 00000 n h�̗�n�FE����9s `'qS n�(Hy`l� K�Ġ��w�(K��8y�6����z/F|���G�x�I��Y4'��M�J0b�+��E�ǟ�/�vH�D�ɱ���V]39�͇�n��ͷ��I��]����_�D���y7�%m^�7o�������J��js:k/W�ls���''�o��4&��(jm���Zx:�u�h1��5���F���V��ɇ����v��ַ�����r։i&}w�VR�%��1���rz�/���kw�k�~Ү:V�������b:�l��Ώ����t�\����%��KN���uB3������[O����Z}���s�Yg��X�0E2���I �;T@yvn��vH���O�-��}� 0000029699 00000 n As Joseph Smith worked on his inspired translation of the Bible, his knowledge of the gospel grew, and he was blessed by the Holy Ghost. 0000001642 00000 n 0000032497 00000 n 0000119736 00000 n 0000026662 00000 n Here are your options. Many revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants are answers to questions about statements in the Bible that Joseph did not understand. This is an amazing resource that sheds new light on some difficult or lacking sections in the scriptures. 0000012758 00000 n Joseph Smith’s Inspired Version of the Bible oseph Smith began work on his New Translationof the Bible in 1830. trailer <<6BCEFA9850FB4E4E92BFB45790F0F3DB>]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 440 0 obj <>stream (Printed by Westcott & Thomson, Stereotypers, Philadelphia) H. & E. Phiney's stereotype editions used for this revision. 0000013349 00000 n 0000154699 00000 n 0000253776 00000 n Judges, Stephen S. Wise, New York. 0000028121 00000 n 0000003039 00000 n This edition of the Holy Scriptures (Inspired Version) was published by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints after the church moved from Plano, IL to Lamoni, IA in 1881. Publication date 1867 Publisher [S.l.] Joseph Smith, I.L. 0000071723 00000 n Though it was dated 1867, it was published after the move to Lamoni. Joseph Smith Translates Other Scriptures 0000007489 00000 n In November, 1989, I decided it was time to fo rmally catalog these marginal notes and hunt up what scriptural references remained. Created new Scripture – Each Bible prophet has made a contribution to new scripture. 0000002533 00000 n ����BÀ���\m��#0�p>R*�9Ӥ�>�f �"hX`4�x�Dg��4�]�ⓏJG���-+���=�81���\&�p�h�e�l��K�u�; �G����q���}���r��!�퀵�P����-BI�ǢP�]b�A�y��8�^��Fh4��'� A��7�. 0000023583 00000 n •While we do not use the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible as a separate book of scripture, parts of it are included in other Latter-day Saint scriptures. • Ogden, UT 84403. %PDF-1.6 %���� Joseph Smith's new translation of the Bible; a complete parallel comparison of the inspired version of the Holy Scriptures and the King James authorized version by Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844 I contacted a friend in the Ancient Scripture Department, Joseph Smith taught that “No man can receive the Holy Ghost without receiving revelations. : Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible—-Original Manuscripts were prepared by Scott H. Faulring, a research historian at the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History, Kent P. Jackson, a professor of ancient scripture and Robert J. Mathews a professor emeritus of ancient scripture. 0000028799 00000 n Rogers, E. Robinson, publishing committee. The Holy scriptures by Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844. It was first published by the RLDS church in 1867, although excerpts from it were published by the Mormon church in the Pearl of Great Price as early as 1851. Those who gain this divine witness from the Holy Spirit will also come to know by the same power that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that Joseph Smith is His revelator and prophet in these last days, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s kingdom For more than 190 years, critics of Mormon founder Joseph Smith … Access in Printed Form Those who gain this divine witness from the Holy Spirit will also come to know by the same power that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, that Joseph Smith is His revelator and prophet in these last days, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s kingdom The 4 sets of scripture currently found in our scriptures, Joseph Smith History 1, are 0000001156 00000 n But unlike his other scriptures, it was not published during his lifetime. 0000027257 00000 n 6�t]��$u��q"��%Y���\@c����̐�n�i ��HT�b��v��,.��ց�(� 0000023995 00000 n 0000017298 00000 n 0000024605 00000 n The Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible—-Original Manuscripts were prepared by Scott H. Faulring, a research historian at the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History, Kent P. Jackson, a professor of ancient scripture and Robert J. Mathews a professor emeritus of ancient scripture. Rogers, E. Robinson, publishing committee edition, in English Rogers, E. Robinson, publishing committee, Published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “The doctor will be here soon, Joseph.”Living Scriptures, Inc.® • 3625 Harrison Blvd. Scripture, also called sacred scripture, the revered texts, or Holy Writ, of the world’s religions.Scriptures comprise a large part of the literature of the world. Using the Joseph Smith Translation most effectively in Your Studies. 0000012489 00000 n Revelations from God to Joseph Smith resulted in three Holy books of scripture: The Book of Mormon , The Doctrine and Covenants , and the Pearl of Great Price . 398 0 obj <> endobj xref 398 43 0000000016 00000 n 0000028536 00000 n !They are quoted hereafter in part II of this paper, some thirty-six or so scriptures. the power of the Holy Ghost. Joseph Smith, as God’s prophet, thus takes on a greater mantle than Moses or any writers of the Bible.

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