Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on December 4, 2012 - 4:05am, Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on November 28, 2012 - 3:16am, Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on November 16, 2012 - 8:59pm, Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on November 16, 2012 - 8:54pm. Teach as simple and clear as possible, that's a source of motivation ! Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on September 28, 2012 - 4:44pm, Thanks for the strategies in teaching reading. 0000001229 00000 n Including pair-share and small group activities as a regular part of your lessons allows your ELLs many opportunities to practice English in ways that are fun and natural. and then follow with When did he go to Paris? Bring dull academic concepts to life with visual and practical learning experiences, helping your students to understand how their schooling applies in the real-world.Examples include using the interactive whiteboard to display photos, audio clips and videos, as well as encouraging your students to get out of their seats with classroom experiments and local field trips. By Todd Finley. When possible, choose a student who speaks the same first language as your new ELL. self-monitoring, paying attention) Encourage students to read diverse texts: Reading and then thinking and talking about different …                   5. cognitive (e.g. 0000001109 00000 n xref Nobody else needs to know. Use actions and gestures to accompany your words as much as possible, such as when you explain the process for class routines. (word count: 14), "What do you think is a good way to get your readers' attention when you begin your story so that they want to keep reading your story?" Graphic organizers help students read and understand textbooks and picture books. This will be very useful for my teachers and students. 0000000836 00000 n 0000003161 00000 n Tips on finding great books, reading nonfiction and more. All learners use strategies to help them succeed, but not all are aware of the strategies they use. 0000003131 00000 n Summarizing requires students to determine what is important in what they are reading and to put it into their own words. The teacher explains to students why the strategy helps comprehension and when to apply the strategy. On the other hand, because of their diverse cultural and educational backgrounds, many ELLs lack background knowledge in some subject areas. Hope it will reduce my struggle in teaching reading. However, teaching grammar effectively is a much more complicated matter. I use both skim scan deep read and these reading comprehension strategies to help foreign intermediate llearners understand faster than ever titles, topic sentences, main/ideas, source to footnotes coherent relationship. Questions are answered based on a student's prior knowledge and experiences. It is used to express an action which has begun in the past and continues to the present moment, etc. The strategies a student uses to learn a second language depend greatly on their individual learning style. A significant way you can help alleviate some of that stress is by assigning each of your newer or less proficient ELLs a buddy. Nowadays, enhancing strategies in second or foreign language … This means you need to allow sufficient wait time after you pose a question. �2��Vw���=���R��2g�ih�����>�dE�                   2. actively involve themselves in language learning For example, staying in the sun too long may lead to a painful sunburn. Students may use several comprehension monitoring strategies: "I don't understand the second paragraph on page 76. Geri McClymont (author) on August 06, 2016: Thanks for your comments, Ann. The more learning resources you have the easier it will be for you to employ different strategies when teaching your students grammar. 0000019895 00000 n While significant professional development is 0000010537 00000 n The high school second language learner has much in common with the "good" language learners described by Rubin (1975), i.e.

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