Giinawind (Giinwi) is another word for “us” or “we.” Because there are two words for “us” in Anishinaabemowin, the easiest definition to use is “all of us” because “giinawind” does include the person you are speaking to. Also, according to the 2016 Census from Statistics Canada, there were 28,130 speakers of Ojibwe speakers in Canada (Statistics Canada, p.2). anishinaabemowin (Canadian syllabics spelling ᐊᓂᐦᔑᓈᐯᒧᐎᓐ) any First Nations/Native American language; the Anishinaabe language (group), which includes Algonquin, Odawa, Ojibwe, Potawatomi and Saulteaux; Derived terms Transformations. Dopwin nindozhitoon – A table I am making. Gidaapnaan ozhibiiganatig. Type 4 – (Transitive Animate) – One of the seven pronouns is doing something with a direct object in the animate (a’aw) category. Type 1 (Intransitive Inanimate) – Something happens with no pronoun involved. For that reason it is sometimes called “inclusive.” Think of it as “giin / you” and some other people, including me. An example that helps explain this word would be a busy Mom saying to kids, “we are all going to work together now.” In Anishinaabemowin the Mom can be very clear that she is including all the children in her statement. There are however some positive trends also taking place, as evidenced through data from Statistics Canada in “the number of Aboriginal people able to speak an Aboriginal language exceeded the number who reported an Aboriginal mother tongue. Wiinawaa (Wiinwi) is the word for “them.” Like “wiin” there is no indication of male or female this is just a group of people other than you or I. Memorize the following chart. - English dictionary containing information about the meaning, the spelling, the pronunciation, synonyms and more.We answer the question: What does anishinaabemowin‎ mean? Compared to English, this is an elegant way to avoid choosing “he” or “she” when often we don’t know and don’t want to make assumptions. Combining both statistics, and keeping in mind that Ojibwe is kind of the placeholder name used for Anishinaabemowin, we can estimate that there are roughly 36,500 Anishinaabemowin speakers in both the United States and Canada. In some cases this is an arbitrary linguistic habit for which there is no longer an epistemological reason, which is to say that if there ever was a worldview that caused the potato to be animate, it is no longer common knowledge. It is part of the Algonquian language family, where varying dialects of Anishinaabemowin are spoken throughout Michigan, Wisconsin,  Minnesota, North Dakota, & Montana in the United States, and Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, & Alberta in Canada. According to the 2006-2010 American Community Survey Brief from the United States Census Bureau, there were 8,371 Ojibwe (Ojibwa in the document) speakers in the United States (US Census Bureau, p. 2). It is true that all people and animals are usually spoken about as animate, but things English speakers think of as non-living are also connected to the animate verbs, for instance cars, potatoes and bread to name a few. This is like saying, “yours truly” but literally means “it’s me!” Another instance of the pronoun used in its full form is when action flows from one person to another: Giinitam – your turn; Niinitam – my turn; Wiinitam – his / her turn. Less Commonly Taught and Indigenous Languages Partnership,,, This suggests that many people, especially young people, are learning Aboriginal languages as second languages.” (Statistics Canada, p. 1). It is important to learn the seven pronouns and how they are used. Statistics Canada. Die Definition des Wort "Anishinaabe": member of an American Indian people living in the area around Lake Superior and towards the west (USA) Ausdrücke mit Anishinaabe: Englisch Ojibwe; 1. Gimiigwechwigo – We (just us) all thank just you. Retrieved from: Norris, M. J. Anishinaabemowin is offered through the Less Commonly Taught Languages at MSU. This is just one person other than the person speaking or the person listening. In other cases the storyteller may make a choice to talk about a thing as inanimate in one instance and animate in another. Type 3 – (Transitive Inanimate) – One of the seven pronouns is doing something with a direct object in the inanimate (i’iw) category. We are learning how to speak about and describe things fully, missing no details, in Anishinaabemowin and why they are spoken that way. Retrieved from: MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. We do need to keep in mind that the population of speakers is an aging one, so the numbers would be different with the number of years that have passed since both censuses. Type 2 – (Intransitive Animate) One of the seven pronouns does something without anyone else or any objects involved. Giinawaa (Giinwi) is a word for “you all’ meaning all of the people a person might be speaking to. Michigan State University (MSU) currently offers introductory Basic Anishinaabemowin I & II, which focuses on Ojibwe (Chippewa) and Odawa (Ottawa) dialects. As you learn verbs, it is essential to understand these action words represent the complexity of the world around us. Even though Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe) is listed as a “viable language” in Canada, meaning a language with over 20,000 speakers , along with Cree and Inuktitut, it must be remembered that we cannot become complacent, as trends are still currently going in the direction of language loss. Anishinaabemowin is the Indigenous language of Michigan.

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