So he argues that a food that may be very healthy for some people may be dangerous for others, because they have a different blood type and it reacts to that food differently. Just check which types of peas are being sprouted – for example, the book says that black-eyed peas are highly beneficial for blood types O and A and act as poisons for blood types B and AB, and chickpeas are neutral for blood type O and poisons for blood types A, B, and AB. Let me know if you have any ideas! EAT RIGHT FOR YOUR BLOOD TYPE - TYPE B - NON-SECRETOR Alklaline or neutral foods in bold type Super foods underscored #Contains lectin or other agglutinin * Good for lowering blood pressure and cholerterol HIGHLY BENEFICIAL NEUTRAL AVOID Meats and Poultry goat venison beef pheasant bacon ham lamb beef, ground squab chicken# partridge# liver buffalo sweetbreads cornish hens# pork … Neutral for blood type A As with the diets, B and AB type people are able to take a more balanced approach with exercise as well. Could Your Blood Type Predict Your Risk of COVID-19? I am 74 and O Positive. someone gave me Bitter Buckwheat Tea. Just one question, you have listed ancestries for Asian, Caucasian and African, so do all this applies for Hispanics as well? The book is written in US English, where “maize” is called “corn”. In Japan, it has long been believed that Blood Type is an indicator of personality - in fact, you are likely to be asked your blood type in a job interview or while out on a date with a potential mate! Vegetable juices: aloe juice, cucumber juice, Spices: mace, nutmeg, pepper (black pepper, white pepper), Sugars: aspartame, corn syrup, fructose, invert sugar, maltodextrin, sucanat, sucrose, Other seasonings and pantry: acacia/gum arabic, carrageenan, cornstarch, MSG monosodium glutamate, Savory condiments: ketchup, pickles (all), pickle relish, mayonnaise, vinegar (all except apple cider), Worcestershire sauce, Alfalfa tea, aloe tea, burdock tea, coltsfoot tea, corn silk tea, echinacea tea, gentian tea, goldenseal tea, guarana tea, juniper tea, red clover tea, rhubarb tea, Saint-John’s-wort tea, shepherd’s purse tea, strawberry leaf tea, yellow dock tea, Coffee (regular/decaf), black tea (regular/decaf), Alcoholic drinks: beer, liquor (distilled), Legumes – kidney beans, navy beans, lentils, Vegetables – cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens, Iodized salt (note that iodine is best obtained from sources such as seafood and kelp), Type Os are leaner when their muscle tissues are in a state of slight metabolic acidity, Portion size 4-6 ounces for men, 2-5 ounces for women and children, Weekly number of portions depending on your ancestry: 5-7x (African), 4-6x (Caucasian), 3-5x (Asian), Try not to consume more than 6 ounces of meat at any one meal, Weekly number of portions: 1-2x (African), 2-3x (Caucasian), 3-4x (Asian), Weekly number of portions: 1-4x (African), 3-5x (Caucasian), 4-6x (Asian), Weekly number of portions: 0x (African), 3-4x (Caucasian), 5x (Asian), Weekly number of portions: 0x (African), 0-3x (Caucasian), 0-3x (Asian), Weekly number of portions: 0x (African), 0-1x (Caucasian), 0-2x (Asian), Weekly number of portions: 1-5x (African), 4-8x (Caucasian), 3-7x (Asian), Increase the value of oils by limiting your use to monounsaturated oils such as olive oil and flaxseed oil, Weekly number of portions: 2-5x (African), 3-4x (Caucasian), 2-3x (Asian), These foods should not take the place of high-protein meats. Am AB. I dont understand. Is it beneficial to all blood groups? The book refers to “high-quality lecithin granules” that you can find at your local health food store and in some supermarkets. Portion size 1 egg. This will keep you feeling satisfied, and you’ll be able to stick with the diet plan long-term.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'templatelab_com-leader-3','ezslot_8',127,'0','0'])); Most people need some type of plan to follow when they want to lose weight.

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