I’m feeling optimistic today, but I feel weak in my workouts. This sounds pretty extreme, 10 days with no food, not sure that is for me, although the modified cleanse does sound doable, so I might check that one out as I am not looking to lose any weight as such, do a lot of exercise and eat fairly healthy. One of my friends recommended the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse so I Googled it for a review. I love how it’s just 10 days which makes it very doable. Over that period, she experienced weight gain, fatigue, health matters caused by dental issues and it wasn’t until she and a number of people tried this cleanse that it became a very popular and best selling book. My next blog post will explain it ALL! But this has given me some inspiration, so maybeee I’ll try it. Although if you do a cleanse correctly, you will start to crave eating/drinking healthier so that may negate the need to redo a cleanse in the future. My nails look so much better and are much stronger! Slice apple into sticks and toss with lemon juice. I will be updating my weight loss journey regularly in future blog posts. I can’t complain about the taste, but drinking smoothies is beginning to get boring. I woke up on this morning (Saturday) and got on the scale to discover that I lost another half a pound. Focusing on the things that are easiest to do, yet have the biggest impact, ensures you get maximal results with minimal effort. A wonderful thing happened to me on this day called SquareBars. (*Kitchen/Blender photo by Alison Marras (@foodbymars) via Unsplash.com). It also helps collagen production, which helps keep our skins looking fresh and youthful. Here are my snack recipes, tips and before and after results for days 6-10!!”. Cleanses are hardest for people who have never done them so when the cravings strike and that starts to affect them emotionally, they can do strange things. The wonders of sleep, I guess? Every smoothie is about 60 oz (3 smoothies) and should be consumed every 3 or 4 hours, or usually when you get hungry. All done with my first week on the 21-Day Fix program. Day 7-  I can totally do this. We fuel your body with the vitamins and nutrients it needs, so you don’t feel hungry and tired. Even though the ingredients in the cleanse may be healthy it depends on what’s already going on in your body. I feel thinner and my weight is starting to drop. Overall, I think this is a fabulous, well-planned cleanse. Some recipes call for vanilla extract or stevia, but adding too much makes the smoothies taste oddly sugary. 3. Some good info on here! Shauna, I have the e-book and yes it does give you how many shakes per day, and meal plans and food lists. Your email address will not be published. Vitamin A is important for sebum or natural oil production, which keeps hair moisturised and looking shiny. Hi Vitaliy! I really need to stop because I know I’m ruining the detox process. These things are not as healthy. I’ve done other cleanses with success, but I look into new ways quite often. Sea Vegg: The Benefits it Provided my Mother, Grandmother And I. I do recommend a different cleanse overall for better results. My husband jumped on board with me today. I drink smoothies throughout the day, but treat myself to pizza for dinner. Day 8- I’m so ready to be done with this detox. I did this cleanse last month!!! I had fun trying on form fitting shirts today. I completed the 10-day green smoothie cleanse! This cleanse sounds like a great option for a cleansing. In a bowl stir together 1/4 cup cashew cream, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice, pinch of cinnamon &  a drop of vanilla extract. Add salt and black pepper if needed. Do your due diligence and start smart! I lost. It will give them a way to detoxify the body. Almost half our daily Folate needs (49%) are in a handful of spinach leaves. Thank goodness for those exercise modifications!! I’ll cut to the chase and share the outline of my last five days and weight loss results. I am a 54-year old wife, mother, daughter, sister and dreamer. The pizza is vegetarian, so I’m kind of sticking to the diet, right? A green smoothie cleanse is not about starving yourself to achieve your weight loss goals. If you have any underlying health issues or diagnosis, or are taking any medications, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor, a naturopath or trusted health professional before beginning. You have to be committed for a long-term change or else your body will go right back to the way it was before. If I take any food wrongly, will my weight bounce? I’m starting to really get tired of this limited snack list. This cleanse no, but I have done a different one Kyle and I lost over 10 pounds. Does it have a shopping list for all the ingredients I will need? I bypassed the detox tea this morning and quickly made up my smoothie and downed half of it. Geez. (: It seems like you got great results and really stuck with it. It’s a great month to hone in on your goals and remember that if things didn’t go as planned the first month, that’s OK, you can always start fresh or carry on with refreshed motivation the next month! We ❤ smoothies… And the simple life. I was scared. My skin texture has gotten even more smoother and balanced (feels like BUTTER)! I want to get rid of a bloatsy muffin top tummy also. What dedication! The smoothies have more tropical flavors because the recipes call for pineapple and mango. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Once every few months is fine. Now that the cleanse is done, I don’t plan on altering my diet other than limiting my portion control when it comes to sweets. This strategy is good if you’re doing a cleanse for the first time. Water and laxative tea is also recommended. It has truly been one of the most effective detoxes I’ve ever been on. I was so happy once I completed it. Then there’s an optional 2 week diet that lets you flow back into a regular eating lifestyle, but it also helps you continue to lose weight and come out of the plan eating healthy and living a good lifestyle. Hey Kelly! I like the honesty of it being difficult to finish this cleanse as well as the side effects that one can incur. But I don’t want to quit I’m just going to have to introduce these changes to my body gradually. My shoes are fitting a lot better. Those first three days were a doozy, but my love for green smoothies got me through!

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