and dumps his bowl of peas over his head. They explain to Ralph that he brought it for Fudge as a birthday gift, but Ralph still wants it. Mother fixes up Fudge's room for the guests, and moves Fudge's crib into Peter's room. Peter gets new loafers and wraps them up to take home, but Fudge resists getting new shoes and throws a tantrum. In Chapter 6, Fudge's mom tries to buy her son saddle shoes. What does she mean? Sam throws a tantrum because Fudge does not like his present. He is the older of the two boys in the Hatcher... setting:where and when did the story tales of a fourth grade nothing take place? This picture shows Mrs. Yarby looking terrified as Fudge holds up Peter's turtle, Dribble. Our worksheets cover many different chapter book titles, including Stone Fox, Magic Tree House, Bunnicula, The Chocolate Touch, Frindle, and many more. His family lives on the twelfth floor of an old apartment building on West 68th Street in New York. Fudge, of course, considers this a competition, so he finally does it. It's only 10 chapters and 75 pages long. The first child to arrive is Ralph, a three-year-old who loves to eat and who Peter says is already fat. Rudder, who lives in the apartment under theirs, comes up to complain, but Mrs. Hatcher offers her a piece of cake and Grandma entertains her in the kitchen. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing study guide contains a biography of Judy Blume, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Peter begins the party games to divert attention away from the presents, and he gives each kid a balloon to dance around with. Fudge is watching him with an inquisitive look on his face. That Saturday morning, he cleans out Dribble's bowl before they leave. Fudge starts to jump up and down on the furniture, and the other kids follow suit. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is a record of some of the experiences in the life of Peter Hatcher as he struggles to maintain his identity and existence separate from that of his two-year old... What is the solution to the problem in Judy Blume's Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing? This page contains questions, worksheets, lessons, puzzles, and activities to go along with Judy Blume's book, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Students write their name, members of their group, and draw a picture of the book cover. Jennie has heard it before, and annoyingly fills in all the gaps and recites the story by heart as Mrs. Hatcher reads it. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing is a fairly short young reader's chapter book written by Judy Blume. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing Judy Blume . Ralph gives him a windup car, but Ralph thinks it is his and grabs it away from Fudge, starting a fight. Fudge, however, disappears into Peter's room, and comes out carrying his big brother's "old, worn-out picture dictionary." LESSON 1 . The shoe store is another example of Fudge proving that he can be just like Peter. Chapters 1 – 2 . Most of the time, being a big brother to Fudge is difficult, but Peter clearly likes the feeling of being someone else's inspiration. In the taxi home, Peter decides he will never spend a day out with Fudge again. Fudge is always in Peter's way, throws tantrums when he gets mad, and "messes up everything he sees." Dr. Brown comes to take Fudge alone into the examining room, and Peter and his mother wait outside. He is very interested when he sees Dribble, and when Peter says sternly, "That's my turtle...don't touch him," the little boy "laugh[s] like crazy.". Peter's father works in the advertising business, and his current project is a commercial for Juicy-O. Most kids today won't know what these are! Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing was written in 1972 by popular children's novel author Judy Blume. This picture shows Peter looking into his empty turtle tank. Chapters 1 & 2 This worksheet describes saddle shoes and has a large, clear picture to help them understand the story better.

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