Cardiff Steamer Ashore The steamer Eastneld, 1,200 tons, bound from. as for the last two dozen years he had been desirous of having a row" with the House of Lords. The captain leaves a widow and three children, and was one of the smartest of the company's officers. I was down below alt the time. in April, it was 7.2 per cent. >"ET\VBEIDGE E. P Morgan. GEORGE WHITE, TTRF .\XD FOOTBALL ACCOCVTVJTT" KIDDELBTJEGH, HOLLAND ' (Mem?err of -fur* Cuar?iaD Sod8t:n CREDIT A XD DEPC?fT ACt-OUKT? A. Carr, third engineer. our dear Fatier, Tom Payne Kerman, who died Deeemtar 4, 19W.— from hi-- ÇliS and J>au £ rhters. The second was geological - wherever they looked on the coast of the Bristol Channel on both sides they found evidence that a huge force had pushed boulders up the beaches, and created a layer up to eight inches thick of sand, shells and stones in an otherwise constant deposit of mud from Devon to Gloucestershire, which could be dated to 400 years ago. PROTECTION WOULD FAIL. Other. The child refused, and, weeping loudly, attempted to rush out of court, but she was stopped by the police. At Swansea Docks shipping was delayed, and many vessels sheltered under Mumbles Head..11, A collision took place in Barry Roads between two vessels, in which the steamship Grans ha, of Cardiff, sustained euch damage as to prevent her pro* oeeding on her voyage. The deceased's wife, a barmaid at the Turf Tavern, Frizmcliall, near Bradford, stated that she had not lived with her husband for some years, and had not seen him for about five years until he turned up at the tavern and asked her to return to him. AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT I The Parliementary correspondent of the D,-Uly Chronicle" says officially that the writs for the election Of a new Parliament will be issued on Saturday, Jantsary 8. L. B. Uuam —a hcn V ILL1AMP.—On December 1st. to! LACB £ XCE.—On tile 1st December, at Waletfrv. aj. Av'sfc Mrs. Battle 93 101 99 97 0 Mrs. i-l-ughes 96 98 99 97 6 Miss E. Fox 35 102 125 1C3.3 Miss L. Langha;m. 55 99 126 1)13. (Called., WII.K]:OS-JE,EKL\"G.-On the 2nd December, st. James's Church, Sussex-gardens, W., by the Rev. fuather, aa Xd had tiumovi,?-ed He went further, and said that knowing aJI flhey knew now thai had transpired within the last few datfis and in the pro- ceedings in this case that the article wae a moderate one, having regard to the cir- cumstances with which they were dealing. but fcinkpiokrw I'm sure vou "nnd, and wj! They were afterwards cared for under the auøpicee of the Shipwrecked Mariners' Society, the local representative of which is Mr. R. T. Duncan. 22? Seamen: —John Cook (Peel". and tiiird. I In view of the approaching general elec- tion the Archbishops of Canterbury and York recommend that the following prayer be used on the occasion when the prayer for Parlia- ment would be used ir Parliament were sitting:— Most Gracious God, we humbly beseech Thee. ol Manchester, and MiddleVhorpe Iuill, lork, to Ernnit'ine, vcungest daughter of the late Sir Edirard Pieveking, M.D., Hoc. He contrived, however, to "field" the cabbage, and, holding it up in his hand, he quietly remarked, "One of our political opponents appears to have lost his head.". tirt?o?. Fiunerer .? At Swansea Docks shipping was delayed, and many vessels sheltered under Mumbles Head..11, A collision took place in Barry Roads between two vessels, in which the steamship Grans ha, of Cardiff, sustained euch damage as to prevent her pro* oeeding on her voyage. Lloyd's Gravesend message says that the Dundee steamer Dundee and the Grangemoutb steamer Thames collided above Gravesend on Friday morning. Engineer Edward Bellis (Liverpool). Its slaughter had raised grave questions. But in the first years of the 21st century, a new theory emerged - that the flood was in fact a tsunami, caused by some kind of earthquake or undersea landslip that would have sent a wall of water eastwards, funnelled by the geography of the Bristol Channel, by the time it reached low-lying areas of the Somerset Levels and south Wales, it would have been travelling faster than a horse could outrun.

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