Klicke hier, um einen neuen Artikel im DocCheck Flexikon anzulegen. Development and Pathophysiology of Oral Rehydration Therapy for the Treatment for Diarrhea. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Get the latest research from NIH: https://www.nih.gov/coronavirus. NCI CPTC Antibody Characterization Program, J Gen Physiol. This results in the copious production of watery diarrhea and severe dehydration. Cholera is a bacterial disease usually spread through contaminated water. Wands, Fujita and co-workers discovered that in particular glycoproteins containing a sugar called fucose were largely responsible for CTB binding and toxin uptake. Hier angelangt hemmt das A1-Peptid die GTPase Funktion der Gαs-Untereinheit des heterotrimeren G-Proteins. J Clin Invest. Anschließend wird das Toxin mittels Endozytose in die Zielzelle aufgenommen. Reversal of cyclic AMP-mediated intestinal secretion by ethacrynic acid. Das Choleratoxin besteht insgesamt aus 755 Aminosäuren und hat eine molekulare Masse von etwa 85 kDA. Das Gen für das Choleratoxin befindet sich nicht im bakteriellen Chromosom, sondern ist auf dem sogenannten CTXΦ-Bakteriophagen codiert. 1974 Mar;53(3):941-9. doi: 10.1172/JCI107635. The organism colonizes the small bowel and secretes a protease which activates CT. As with VT and Stx, the A-subunit of CT is non-covalently associated with the B-subunit pentamer via the disulfide-linked C-terminal A 2 fragment. Amberlyn Wands, Akiko Fujita and co-workers now reveal that numerous cell surface molecules are recognized by CTB, and that these molecules can assist cholera toxin uptake by host cells. Cholinergic Submucosal Neurons Display Increased Excitability Following. -, Nature. This results in the copious production of watery diarrhea and severe dehydration. -, Am J Physiol. 1974 Mar;53(3):687-92. doi: 10.1172/JCI107606. 1967 Mar;212(3):717-23 How do cancer-causing viruses escape the immune system? Die Folge ist ein starker NaCl- und Flüssigkeitsverlust. Es lassen sich eine A-Untereinheit und fünf identische B-Untereinheiten unterscheiden. The results suggest that stimulation by cholera toxin of a cyclic AMP-dependent active secretory process of the intestinal epithelial cells is a major cause of fluid loss in cholera. Das Choleratoxin ist ein starkes Enterotoxin, das vom gramnegativen Stäbchenbakterium Vibrio cholerae produziert wird. Diarrhoe, Infektiologie, Cholera toxin reduced absorption of water and electrolytes progressively over four hours and induced secretion in a dose dependent fashion. CT is composed of an active subunit (A), which induces toxicity by continuously activating stimulatory G-proteins (Gs), thereby increasing cyclic adenine monophosphate levels, and a homopentameric binding subunit (B). Fung C, Koussoulas K, Unterweger P, Allen AM, Bornstein JC, Foong JPP. Cholera, JCI Insight. Similar flux changes were observed when either crude or purified toxin was added in vivo and tissues were mounted in vitro 3-4 hr later. The salt-water environment created inside the intestine can, by osmosis, draw up to a further six liters of water into the intestine each day. NIH A similar pattern was observed upon addition of a highly purified preparation of cholera toxin, although the changes in PD and SCC were smaller. Cholera toxin acts by the following mechanism: First, the B subunit ring of the cholera toxin binds to GM1 gangliosides on the surface of target cells. Cholera toxin is composed of six protein subunits, including five copies of cholera toxin subunit B (CTB). Inhibition of the SCC response to theophylline was observed after luminal but not after serosal addition of toxin. The effects of cholera enterotoxin on intestinal ion transport were examined in vitro. Es verursacht eine schwere sekretorische Diarrhoe, das Hauptsymptom der Cholera. 1967 Nov;53(5):737-44 Inside the small intestine, V. cholerae attaches to the intestinal wall and starts producing cholera toxin. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error, American Society for Clinical Investigation. Adenosine 3',5'-cyclic phosphate (cyclic AMP) and theophylline had previously been shown to cause a rapid increase in SCC and ion flux changes similar to those induced by cholera toxin. Addition of dialyzed filtrate of Vibrio cholerae (crude toxin) to the luminal side of isolated rabbit ileal mucosa caused a delayed and gradually progressive increase in transmural electric potential difference (PD) and shortcircuit current (SCC).  |  USA.gov. Cholera is a serious diarrheal disease that can be deadly if left untreated. Left untreated, cholera can be fatal in a matter of hours, even in previously healthy people.Modern sewage and water treatment have virtually eliminated cholera in industrialized countries. -, Gastroenterology. Kimberg DV, Field M, Gershon E, Henderson A. J Clin Invest.

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