Shaeffer recounts his adventures over the last fifteen years to Smittarasheed and attempts to sell him the location of Carlos Wu’s autodoc, a valuable prize to the ARM since its technology is based on nanotechnology. The Tales were originally conceived as two separate series, the Belter stories set roughly from 2000 to 2350 CE and the Neutron Star / Ringworld stories set in 2651 CE and later. Although the article is written as though Niven intended to write the story, he later wrote that the article was only an elaborate joke, and he never intended to write such a novel. Beowulf Shaeffer - Character Biography - History. Eventually Wu formed a relationship with Feather Filip, an ARM agent tasked to protect him and he and she created a plan to secretly emigrate from Earth to another planet. Of those youths, Bey was the only one who went on to become a pilot. [10] An agent of the ARM, Gil Hamilton, is the protagonist of Niven's sci-fi detective stories, a series-within-a-series gathered in the collection Flatlander. One phenomenon travellers in hyperspace can experience is the so-called 'blind spot' should they look through a porthole or camera screen, giving the impression that the walls around the porthole or sides of the camera view screen are expanding to 'cover up the outside'. In 2622 he was made chief pilot for Nakamura Lines, a space cruise company on We Made It. ※ Aktivitäten, die Ranglisten betreffen, werden auf allen Welten geteilt. She was employed at the time she met Shaeffer as a computer analyst for Donovan's Brains, Inc. She had been previously employed by the Epcot-Atlanta police. Still[ 1951], El.unico.superviviente. In about twenty thousand years it will pass through known space, rendering all the worlds there uninhabitable. Day. Protector (1973) and The Ringworld Engineers (1980) were nominated for the Hugo and Locus Awards.[14][15]. He manages to get to his car and heads back toward the spaceport. "At the Core" is an English language science fiction short story written in 1966 by Larry Niven. Emil Horne appears in the Beowulf Shaeffer story "Grendel" and is mentioned in the story The Borderland of Sol. Very little is known of Shaeffer’s early life. He is patient but his patience has limits, and while he is as cautious as anyone he can sometimes act without thinking, a trait that would have gotten him killed if Shaeffer had not talked him out of landing on the protosun's planet when they visited it in 2645, as the planet, named Cannonball Express by Pelton and Shaeffer, was composed of antimatter, which would have destroyed even Pelton's General Products-hulled ship, the Slower Than Infinity. A more advanced Quantum II Hyperdrive introduced later is able to cover the same distance in one and a quarter minutes (420,768 x c). Shaeffer duplicated the Laskins’ experiment and determined they were killed by tidal effects during the close approach, effects that almost killed him as well. They manage to stop him and Forward is killed by the quantum black hole. Beowulf Shaeffer. It is the second in the series of Known Space stories featuring crashlander Beowulf Shaeffer. Like most albinos Shaeffer’s skin is pale, his hair white and his eyes pink. //-->. The ship contains dozens of   biospheres , each kilometres across and housing people of different cultures; their goal is to find and seed a new world of a distant star. He was a very competent writer, which surprised Shaeffer, and the neutron star recording sold well, as did the core piece they did together four years later. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Nevertheless, in many Known Space stories, ARM agents operate or exert influence in other human star systems through the "Bureau of Alien Affairs" (see In the Hall of the Mountain King, Procrustes, The Borderland of Sol, and "Neutron Star"). Shaeffer is a crashlander , a descendent of Earth explorers who colonized the planet We Made It , … This plan was interrupted when an ARM agent, Sigmund Ausfaller, planted a bomb in the ship’s lifesystem in order to ensure Shaeffer completed the mission, in order to maintain human-puppeteer relations. If there is a difference in velocity between two disks, any matter transferred between them must be accelerated by the disk accordingly. Shaeffer returns to Earth with Pelton and he and Sharrol move in together in Nome. By doing this, they unleash the last living member of the Slaver species on the world.

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