Cover: Adorable! A lot of us are at a loss for words to capture how we’re feeling amidst this chaos of a global pandemic, the largest civil rights movement, and the turmoil of our own lives as we learn to adapt to the politics of living and doing. What if our legacy is one of emotional impact rather than vocational achievements? Three weeks ago, I sat in my therapist’s office and the words, “I can’t get what I did out of my head,” rattle off my tongue. News articles and live streams of press conference briefings from state officials sit heavy with me as I lay in my bed in the morning. A letter to a friend struggling with psychosis, 10 Things ‘Incandescent Alphabets’ taught me about psychosis, There’s more to suicide prevention than just talking about it, Fear the change or embrace the opportunity, Before you stop taking your meds, read this, Fear the change or embrace the opportunity, There’s more to suicide prevention than just talking about it, Before you stop taking your meds, read this, 10 Things ‘Incandescent Alphabets’ taught me about psychosis. Today, I was driving back from the grocery store when this wave of anxiety washed over me. I recently said this to someone I look up to after I noticed how lost and disempowered he seemed to feel regarding the current political climate and violent loss of black lives at the hands [...]. Days Like This(my cover) song is made by Van Morrison another giant artist whose works have made great impact over the years and will shine on forever ----- hope you enjoy this cover … A while back I wrote about the Novelty of Depression especially in connection to the American Dream. Btw, sorry for the low sound. I'm whistling this song just so I don't ruin it lol, enjoy. DAYS LIKE THIS is a novel that will keep you thinking about the characters long after you finish. It's a serious NA novel that may very well open your eyes to what it's like living with a mother who is bipolar. For most of my life, I’ve known depression for almost as long as I’ve known myself. [...]. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Find Van Morrison Days Like This full album lyrics from It seems as if they are all reading from the same hymn and if a myriad of [...], When the world is moving incredibly fast, it’s hard to take a deep breath. What are the subjective details of such experiences? My sister's singing Days Like This by - Kim Taylor. I have been stuck in a self-made dilemma, to stay home or move out… Much of my anxiety around the latter is tied to my perfectionism of wanting everything to feel right and look right to be the “right” choice, but my good friend [...], Dear Friend, We cannot claim the inheritance of stars and skies. Are you also feeling tempted to go cold turkey on your medications? Nature’s grace moves swiftly and beautifully past us. It ranked No. It deals with some very heartbreaking and painful experiences, but also inspires, offers hope, and makes you swoon. We build houses on hills, the fallacy of kings with [...], How profound is it to be so connected to the pain of someone that you feel compelled to change it? Van Morrison- Days Like This- Cover by Nicki Bluhm and The Gramblers - Van Session 21 - Duration: 2:44. nbluhm 305,117 views The world was not created to charm us into certainty. Have we really robbed ourselves of the potential of a [...], The world may feel like it’s ending right now. My heart started palpitating and I noticed myself holding in my breath. My therapist and I were talking about how just because a decision you made turned sour or caused trouble, its outcome is not a reflection on your character. It [...], Suicide. I pulled over to a nearby parking lot of a park and [...], GoodReads describes Annie Roger’s book as, “Psychosis, an invasion of mind and body from without, creates an enigma about what is happening and thrusts the individual into radical isolation. This book explores psychosis as knowledge cut off from history, truth that cannot be articulated in any other [...], April 10, 2020 I’ve been seeing this tweet float around a lot these past few weeks: Subsequently, this Tumblr thread gained traction in response to the original Twitter poster: I’ve been reflecting on this idea of productivity during isolation a lot especially because all the chaos prior to COVID-19 hasn’t halted to make space for [...], I’ve been hesitating on writing about this for a while, but I’ve been thinking about this collective traumatic experience we are all going through as the COVID-19 pandemic ensues. This is a song about There was a “me” before mental illness and there is still a me even with mental illness, but my mental illness is not the all-encompassing way I know myself. Will we fear for change or embrace the ambiguity of opportunity? I’ve attempted suicide before, self-harm has been a vicious cycle in my life no matter [...], What if we die having done nothing remarkable or novel? There'll be days like this Blog at “Days Like This” appears on the 1995 Van Morrison album of the same name. The song turns the old expression about suffering through bad days on its head. What an awful combination of letters that manage to hold such unbearable pain. A lot of us are at a loss for words to capture how we’re feeling amidst this chaos of a global pandemic, the largest civil rights movement, and the turmoil of our own lives as we learn to adapt to the politics of living and doing.

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