N.S. – because this suggests that the ephors were originally appointed by the kings and not by the Apella, the popular assembly. Millender, E. (2001). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In the classical age, the five ephors in Sparta, chosen from and by the Spartiats (male citizens with full rights),note[Aristotle, Politics 1270b27. All content copyright © 1995–2020 Livius.org. All functions of the military run through this department. This would also suggest a very early origin, before Sparta was really unified; in fact, it may be that the creation of the college of ephors was a step towards unification. Herodotus claimed that the institution was created by Lycurgus, while Plutarch considers it a later institution. The ephors also received foreign ambassadors.note[Xenophon, Hellenica 2.2.13.] . Ephors is a historically accurate title used to describe the upper government within Sparta. Alternatively, they may have been overseeing the homeland while the kings were abroad (e.g., during a war).The five men were also responsible for declaring war, every year, on the Messenians, a ritual that guaranteed Spartiats who accidently killed a helot, would not be punished as murderers. In Sparta they comprised an executive, legislative, and judicial board of five Spartan citizens. The propaganda department, education department, recruiters, ghostbusters, and others all report to this department. Spartan Literacy Revisited. [10], The ephors, along with the Gerousia, held the majority of the power within the Spartan government, as the two kings had to consult either with the ephors or the Gerousia in almost any official matter. Since decisions were made by majority vote, Sparta's policy could change quickly, when the vote of one ephor changed. Five ephors, chosen annually by popular election, had the main power. Discovered by the Macedonian, 413); this disaster caused the Athenians to attempt a retreat by land, but they were pursued and forced to surrender (413); he wished to spare the Athenian commanders Nicias and Demosthenes, but was overruled; returned to Sparta (411); entrusted with a large sum of money by King Lysander to deliver to the, I call such practices "Taigetian" because of the Taigetos mountain chain near Sparta, where newborn babies not found strong enough by the, The most powerful magistrates at Sparta, the de facto rulers,(75) were the, Because he seemed to be accomplishing nothing, the, (3)Xenophon makes it seem that the envoys from Acanthus and Apollonia to Sparta in 382 were made by the, The rest of Three's first issue concerns an, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, OLBIE. On December 11, 2007 the Deputy Ephor positions were reinstated. . The Lacedaemonian [Spartan] constitution is defective in another point; I mean the Ephoralty. They were forbidden to be re-elected and provided a balance for the two kings, who rarely co-operated. ', Sparta and her allies in the sixth century, This is my Sparta! https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/ephors, Althusius argued that actual government is constituted when a covenant is made between the supreme magistrate and the, T.'s main concern in all this is to trace constitutional developments narrowly defined, that is to say, the changing roles of kings, elders, and, Furthermore, although it was once believed that decision-making power was concentrated in the hands of the five, The substantial problem, however, is whether the, Gauthier and Hatzopoulos present the first fully authoritative text Of this important inscription, whose publication history they call "etonnante." The ephorate independently controls much important business. She has been featured by NPR and National Geographic for her ancient history expertise. All this suggests that they represented the people. The Spartan poet Tyrtaeus, a contemporary of king Theopompus, does not mention ephors either. John Paul Adams, CSUN About Pictures Sources Countries Languages Categories Tags Thanks FAQ Donate Contact Articles Stubs. But while it was necessary to select ephors from among all the citizens, the present method of selection strikes me as childish. They live a life of ease, while the rest have a very high standard of strictness in living, so high indeed that they really cannot live up to it but secretly get round the law and enjoy the more sensual pleasures. A narrow strip of white leather was wound about a round staff so that the edges came exactly together; it was then written on … This annually elected board functioned from at least the 8th cent. The ephors were in office for one year of twelve or thirteen lunar months. C'est un monde où la politique et la diplomatie … [9], Two ephors were always sent on military expeditions to ensure the king acted in line, and if not, could put the king on trial. Sparta: War of Empires Durant le 5e siècle avant J.-C., le monde de la Grèce antique est en effervescence, sous la menace de Xerxès et de son gigantesque Empire Perse, des cités entières croulant sous le poids de son armée. They controlled the Crypteia, the secret police who repressed the Helots), and they were even able to sentence Perioeci to death without a trial.

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