Prior to joining the League, Kelsey managed and delivered direct service programming in the education, health and technology sectors in West Michigan, Washington, D.C. and abroad. Karen is a graduate of Albion College, with a degree in Political Science and an emphasis in Public Policy. This year’s Forum was an exciting event where we were able to celebrate great progress and strive together for even more on behalf of children, teachers, and families. The League is an equal opportunity employer, committed to building and retaining a diverse and inclusive staff and workplace. After graduating from Syracuse University, Brandon worked as an economic analyst for the Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives at the State of Michigan. In 2011, in recognition of her community service, Jackson College awarded Renell the Rev. 2019 Event Agenda: The 2019 Public Policy Forum was an important way for us to come together; to be heard on issues critical to early childhood education and educators; to sharpen our advocacy skills, to build our networks, and to strengthen our relationships with representatives on Capitol Hill. She loves being an aunt and enjoys reading, writing, music, general nerdery and spending time with friends who are family and family who are friends. Gilda has won numerous awards for her work, including being named as one of the 100 Most Influential Women in Michigan by Crain’s Detroit Business in 2016 and receiving the Michigan Food Bank Council’s Hunger-Free Award in 2015. Now more than ever decisions made by our elected officials in Washington DC are having an impact on the FM Profession and the Built Environment. Alex holds a Bachelor of Science in business administration and sports management from Aquinas College, where he also ran cross country and track. Prior to returning to the League, Pat was the senior director for policy and advocacy at the Early Childhood Investment Corporation; the vice president for policy at Michigan’s Children; and a senior planning and research associate at the League, serving as the organization’s first Kids Count director. His work focuses on state policy as it relates to the budget, immigration, health care and other League policy priorities. Get a behind the scenes tour of DC landmarks. Develop grassroots efforts advancing early childhood in your community with these tools and resources. Karen Holcomb-Merrill currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer with the League. Participate in the legislative process – be part of the solution. What a tremendous impact this type of coordinated effort will have in our continued mission to increase investments in early childhood education! Julie also has an extensive volunteer history of strategic planning and building community partnerships related to local environmental stewardship efforts. There, he analyzed and reported state labor market information and interfaced with strategic partners to disseminate economic outlooks and forecasts. Alicia has an extensive background advocating for improved outcomes for children and families through her work in the nonprofit sector with Michigan’s Children, Community Economic Development Association of Michigan, and School-Community Health Alliance of Michigan. Mr. Barnes’ professional work is based on empowering communities to save themselves through education, entrepreneurship, the arts, and policy. She has taught English and journalism in the Lansing area since 2005 and prior to that worked in community development as director of the Old Town Commercial Association. Say Hello and discuss, network, and connect with our interest forums and online communities. All rights reserved. She is grateful that her position at the League enables her to combine these passions and work to help promote policies that will lead to better opportunities and security for all Michiganders. Learn about the collaborative initiative to advance a unified early childhood education profession. and camping in the summer. Emily graduated from Central Michigan University with a Bachelor of Applied Arts degree in Integrative Public Relations and a double minor in Journalism and Broadcasting and Cinematic Arts. Amber holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and psychology and a Master of Public Health from the University of Michigan. We are living in a time when the importance of the early years is more widely known than ever and thanks to all of you, and NAEYC, we have the attention of decision-makers and legislators. The 2019 Public Policy Forum was an important way for us to come together; to be heard on issues critical to early childhood education and educators; to sharpen our advocacy skills, to build our networks, and to strengthen our relationships with representatives on Capitol Hill. He also led a team that conducted a robust program evaluation of Michigan’s workforce training programs. Karen is an experienced coalition-builder and advocate. Explore key early childhood topics such Developmentally Appropriate Practice, play, and math. Before her tenure at Tobacco-Free Michigan, Karen served as the Executive Director of Common Cause in Michigan for 14 years. He handles writing, editing and messaging, media relations and social media for the League to help ensure our work gets the attention it deserves. Become a leader in your professional association. Her bookkeeping and accounting experience began when she started recording the receipts for her mother’s business at the age of 13. Simon Marshall-Shah joined the Michigan League for Public Policy as a State Policy Fellow in August 2019. IFMA websites may use cookies to provide you with a better experience with features such as logging in, making purchases and remembering your preferences. Become an organizational or corporate partner to inspire early childhood education at the local and national level. She is motivated by the belief that all children and adults deserve the opportunity to achieve their dreams regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or economic class. Prior to joining the League, Parker used data for advocacy in various positions, including as project coordinator of a health program in Southwest Michigan, graduate research assistant at The Hilltop Institute, and housing policy intern with the National League of Cities.

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