Intellectuals, writers, human right activists, journalists, who raise their voices in favour of the downtrodden, weak and minorities are sought to be silenced by implicating them in false cases. Janhastakshep is a people’s intervention group “against fascism.”. More than 50 progressive writers and activists — including prominent left-wing voices such as Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Cornel West — unveiled an open letter Wednesday morning that argues a vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in November is essential because while “the lesser evil is evil… in this case, the greater evil is simply off the charts.” Please help keep Common Dreams alive by making a contribution. bhsbandgeek97. —Open Letter, "The Electoral College should be gone. The Democratic Party candidate should be Bernie Sanders or whoever would inspire your positive support. Ending the Trump presidency is, by far, the most important goal that can be achieved between now and January. … Thank you. According to campbell, why did the british take control of oudh? Instead, we rely on readers like you, to provide the "people power" that fuels our work. You will receive an answer to the email. New Delhi: The PUCL (People’s Union for Civil Liberties), Janhastakshep and Citizens for Democracy have collectively authored a letter to President Ram Nath Kovind, urging the release of intellectuals, writers, professors, students, anti-CAA activists implicated in the Elgar Parishad case and for the February Delhi violence. ", The letter goes on to briefly acknowledge and reject common arguments against voting for Biden in November, from "claims that more votes for the Green Party's or any other third party's presidential candidate are necessary to win long-term progressive goals" to "protestations that Biden is beholden to elites. "So, it comes down to this. Imagine it is late November. Voting for Biden in swing states is essential. Despite Trump's 'Jobs, Jobs, Jobs' Bluster, the Rust Belt Is Still Reeling from Plant Closures... Have Liberals Learned Anything From the Age of Trump? "But the message that not voting in swing states sends in 2020 is that we are OK with Trump for four more years as long as we don't have to sully our hands by voting for Biden," reads the letter, which was released just over 40 days ahead of Election Day. chloegrogg. Also read: Elgar Parishad Case: NIA Summons Three Lawyers for Questioning, The participants of the protest had been informed about this, however, two protesters, unaware of the latest circular had reached Jantar Mantar and held banners with their demands. What is the function of a circulatory system? ★★★ Correct answer to the question: The writers are urging civil rights activists to be more - In this manner it might take decades for the case to reach final conclusion. The signatories to a memorandum have called for the release of intellectuals, writers, professors, students, anti-CAA activists implicated in the Elgar Parishad case and for the February Delhi violence. The writers are urging civil rights activists to be more. The event was pallid enough its star was the fly on Pence's head. Dump Trump, Then Battle Biden. And how does Biden win? Nonviolent Protest. But none of that will happen by Election Day. The letter comes just over month after progressive advocacy group launched its "Vote Trump Out" initiative aimed at boosting voter turnout in the key swing states of Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin with the warning that a second term for Trump would spell catastrophe for workers, immigrants, and the planet. Because of people like you, another world is possible. Every donation—large or small—helps us bring you the news that matters. Because of people like you, another world is possible. view available hint(s) what is the function of a circulatory system? Will Amy Coney Barrett Stand by Her Man? Amit Srivastava, one of the protesters, was taken away by police in a van. ", The latter claim is accurate, the open letter says, "but beside the point"; also true is the insistence that "not voting sends a message.". We don't survive on clicks. Elgar Parishad Case: NIA Summons Three Lawyers for Questioning, Amnesty Report Accuses Delhi Police of Torture, Violence, Serious Rights Violations During Riots, Sudha Bharadwaj Diagnosed With Heart Disease, ‘Triggered by Stress of Jail Stay,’ Says Daughter.

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