And then he gave me one look and—I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been. Is it impossible to be a salesman and not be totally delusional? Don’t breathe it to a soul. ... Biff will never be a success unless he works in he open with his hands. You don’t understand: Willy was a salesman. When he forces his father to face this reality, it leads to Willy's destruction. (Act 2). He had a good dream. CHARLEY: Willy, when are you going to grow up? And then you get yourself a couple spots on your hat and your finished. Willy Loman should not be rude and grouchy to his superiors, that is not a way to move up any kind of professional ladder. (Act 1). WILLY: You wait, kid, before it’s all over we’re gonna get a little place out in the country, and I’ll raise some vegetables, a couple of chickens… LINDA: You’ll do it yet, dear. Charley insists that, being a salesman with an unsure future, Willy could not have avoided dreaming his absurd dreams. It's really sad that all their dream and hopes for themselves and their children have come down to this. (Act 2). I even believed myself that I’d been a salesman for him! He goes to his death with the delusional idea that Biff … He goes to his death with the delusional idea that Biff … WILLY [coming out of the bathroom in his pajamas]: Remember him? Willy tells them that Bernard may make good grades, but Happy and Biff will be more successful in business because they are “well liked.” Still in his daydream of fifteen years ago, Willy brags to Linda that he made $ 1200 in sales that week. (Act 2). Willy Loman is a 25 year old door to door salesman, Linda his wife loves him and admires his drive to make g is dreams come true, Willy feels that he is in top of things and in control in the first scene, The boys are happy and successful in their jobs making money and being well liked, Biff and Will don't get along because Willy is frustrated that Biff does not have higher ambitions for himself, Biff only wants to be working outside with his shirt off, Biff is happy with his job because he lives it, Happy admires the managers of his business and is respectful of them, Biffs dream is to be the manager of a large corporation, When he boys were young Willy spent time with them trying to be involved in their lives, Willy is trying to be the same kind of father his father was to him, Willy always emphasized sports integrity and academics equally to the boys, Willy is so optimistic sometimes that he exaggerates Thu vs and fails to fix problems, Willy makes plenty of money to support the family comfortably, Willy taught his sons that they should expect no special treatment in anything they did, Willy has built a powerful legacy (inheritance) for his sons, Willys brother Ben was always with he family encouraging g Willy to do his best as he grew up, Ben traveled to Africa and opened a diamond mine Willy believes, Willy lapses in and out if realtuy reliving days of glory in his past, Willy still makes enough money to meet his and Linda's needs, Willy hopes that he boys will come home to help him with expenses now that he is ready to retire, Biff promises to come home and help his parents, Willy has an answer to his problems but is too proud to accept it, The boys decide to ope a grocery store to finally make everyone's dreams come true, Biff and Happy get up early to see Oliver for the loan to begin a sporting goods business, Willy hopes to share in he profits of the sporting goods store and eventuallt move to the country, Willy doesn't care if he ever sees the boys again or not, Willy goes to his boss and asks for job in town, Willy left Howard's office with new hopes of greater success, Willy lives in hope for Biffs success in the future to give the family the success it never really had, Biffs success means that Willy was successful father and example, Bernards success as an attorney encourages Willy that Biff and Happy can become successful also, Bernard says that Biff has not succeeded because he has never trained for and stayed with anything long enough, Biff graduated from high school with honors, Willy encouraged Biff to succeed academically, Biff(as a young man)goes to his father to help with problems because he truly admires Willy and thinks he is a powerful man, Biff goes to Boston and finds Willy with a mistress being unfaithful to Linda, Buffs faith in everhhig secireis shattered as is his desire to accomplish anything of success for himself after Boston, Wily knows that Biffs love and loyalty are strong and the two enjoy a close relationship as ever after Boston, Willy bears no guilt for he way he has lived his life, Willy has made no money for months and has had to go I Charlie for no ey so Linda will not find out that he is a failure, Charlie offers Willy a job that is secure and close to home, Willy thinks that he is better that Charlie, Charlie has a weak business that can hardly support Charlie's needs alone, Willy thinks that he is worth more dead than alive, Willy just wants to be liked and we'll respected, Williams liked and well-respected by his co-workers, Buff impresses Oliver with his confidence and gets a loan of $10,000, Happy shows his integrity (or lack of it) by flattering a girl in a restaurant into talking to him lying to her about who he is and not being honest about what he really wants, Willy wants to hear only the truth from his boys, Willys entire future hangs on Biff's success, It is assumed that Happy will never help his parents, Willy accepts the truth from Biff about the loan and handles it with strength, Willy let's his life insurance go because he cannot pay the bill, Willy says that Biff is fruit to sabatoge his own life to spite Willy for not being more of a success himself, Willy knows that his mistakes ance hurt everyone, Biff says that their problem is that none of them can ever tell the truth, Biff says that Willy made him so full of pride that he cannot humble himskef to work for anyone, Biff has stolen something at every good job he has had, Willy finally accepts the fact that they are ordinary and can be happy with that, Biff steals because he cannot get what he thinks he deserves, Happy uses women to feel superior and powerful just as Willy did, Willys dreams never really acknowledged reality, Biff will never be a success unless he works in he open with his hands, Willy would have been happier working with his hands, Willy never could get anything to grow because he always planted gongs in the wrong place, Willy diedto give Biff his life insurance...all he had to give him, Willys life insurance made all of their dreams come true.

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