[2] Blue in birds always depends on the light, and males often look plain gray-brown from a distance. Overall, however, the bulk of the eastern bluebird's range is occupied throughout the year. European starlings, house sparrows, raccoons, eastern chipmunks, flying squirrels, black bears and snakes are natural enemies of eastern bluebirds. The increase in trees throughout the Great Plains during the past century due to fire suppression and tree planting facilitated the western range expansion of the species. Both males and females also flick their wings and warble when predators are nearby.[10]. Eastern bluebirds belong to the Turdidae bird family, which includes more than 170 species of solitaires, thrushes, blackbirds, and other bluebirds. [16], Bluebirds tend to live in open country around trees, but with little understory and sparse ground cover. Males have blue back, dark-colored tips of the wings, reddish-brown chest and white belly. Eastern bluebirds are largely insectivorous in spring and summer, eating a wide range of caterpillars, grubs, beetles, and other insects, as well as worms. See more images of this species in Macaulay Library. 9.In North America, the populations of eastern bluebirds have rebounded through the extensive installation of nest boxes in rural areas. When approached by a predator, the male makes a song-like warning cry. Mating season of eastern bluebirds takes place from February to September. Eastern bluebird is an omnivore (it eats plants and meat). A bird-friendly landscape with berry-producing shrubs will also help attract eastern bluebirds, particularly in fall and winter. Males may bring food items to females during courtship. Their calls include a rapid, mid-tone chatter and several long dropping pitch calls. \"The bluebird is well named, for he wears a coat of the purest, richest, and most gorgeous blue on back, wings, and tail; no North American bird better deserves the name, for no other flashes before our admiring eyes so much brilliant blue.\"  Arthur Cleveland Bent, Life Histories of Familiar North American Birds Birds that live farther north and in the west of the range tend to lay more eggs than eastern and southern birds.[17]. Nature centers and preserves with feeding stations will often attract eastern bluebirds, giving visitors excellent viewing and photography opportunities. The establishment of bluebird trails and conservation groups has helped draw attention to the hazards these birds face and what can be done to protect them. Nest boxes have apparently helped reverse a decline. It can be also often found in the parks, gardens, yards and orchards. Typically sits on fairly low perches and scans the ground for food. In winter, their non-breeding range extends slightly further west in Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado. The little migratory thrush found in farmlands, woodlands, and orchards. Four subspecies in North America; compared with widespread and somewhat migratory, short-billed nominate sialis, resident fulva of southern Arizona slightly larger and paler, males with cinnamon-fringed scapulars; southern Texas nidificans larger, more richly colored, with upperparts feathers edged with cinnamon; and southern Florida grata with longer bill. 8.The number of eastern bluebirds has dropped to a low of 17 percent in recent years from their previous populations in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Females are grayish above with bluish wings and tail, and a subdued orange-brown breast. Eastern Bluebird populations plunged in the early 20 th century, when non-native House Sparrows and European Starlings were introduced into the United States. With the proliferation of nest boxes and bluebird trails, bluebirds are now a common sight along roads, field edges, golf courses, and other open areas. Range expansion of Barred Owls, part 2: facilitating ecological changes. On males the rusty color wraps up the side of the neck. This is the most widespread of the three bluebirds. Call: musical, typically 2-noted too-lee. Facts of Eastern Bluebird The state bird of Missouri and New York is eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis). Departs northernmost range during October. Juveniles look similar to adult females, but the eye ring is more noticeable and they have gray spotting on the breast and pale spotting on the upperparts. 2.The eastern bluebird is also known as the American bluebird, Wilson’s bluebird and Common bluebird. Starvation and freezing are a danger to the young, but most threats come from other animals, including humans. [17] However, most bluebirds die within their first year of life. Their breast is a brownish red. Males are blue above with a rusty throat and chest. A pair of eastern bluebirds will raise 2-3 broods annually, with 2-8 light blue or whitish eggs per brood. [10], Eastern bluebirds can live for 6 to 10 years. In late summer, autumn, and winter, they will add more fruit and berries to their diet as insects become scarce. Polytypic. The popularity of these birds has also brought them fame, and eastern bluebirds are the official state birds of Missouri and New York. and Mr. William Bullock jun", "Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis BBS Trend Map, 1966 - 2015", Life Histories of Familiar North American Birds: Eastern Bluebird, Eastern Bluebird Bird Sound at Florida Natural History Museum, Bermuda Department of Conservation Services Bluebird Page, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Eastern_bluebird&oldid=982678853, Native birds of the Eastern United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 9 October 2020, at 17:10.

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