A more recent anthology, An Invitation to Poetry, comes with a DVD featuring the FPP video segments, including videos sponsored by the Poetry Foundation. A graduate of Rutgers (B.A., 1962) and Stanford (Ph.D., 1966) He was editor of The Best of the Best American Poetry, the twenty-fifth volume of the popular Best American Poetry series. Elegant and tough, vividly imaginative, Pinsky’s poems have earned praise for their wild musical energy and range. In addition to editing several poetry anthologies, Pinsky devised and published an interactive quest romance called Mindwheel to be played on computers. Pinsky claimed in a 1998 interview with Ted Genoways for Meridian that he “grew up with the idea that to practice an art was to be involved in every part of it and to try to involve art in every part of life.” Pinsky first associated this through music, and one can see the roots of what would later become Pinsky’s love of the spoken word and the voice of poetry. Pinsky has taught at both Wellesley College and the University of California, Berkeley, and currently teaches in the graduate writing program at Boston University. His first two terms as United States Poet Laureate were marked by such visible dynamism—and such national enthusiasm in response—that the Library of Congress appointed him to an unprecedented third term. Buddha the stick, You use to clear the path,And Buddha the dog-doo you flick. The New Yorker. As the poet laureate of the United States, Robert Pinsky has toured the country extensively to promote the “Favorite Poem Project”. On October 20, 1940, Robert Pinsky was born in Long Branch, New Jersey. His The Figured Wheel: New and Collected Poems 1966-1996 was a Pulitzer Prize finalist. This collection of poetry became the definite book for Pinsky’s poetic lifetime, encompassing his life’s work of poetry. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His verse translation of Dante’s Inferno (1994) is notable for its gracefulness and its faithfulness to the original terza rima form. He eventually started writing poetry. Pinsky translated into English The Inferno of Dante in 1994, keeping the original style of terza rima and giving English readers a living vocal poetic version of the book. He was the first poet laureate consultant in poetry to be appointed for three consecutive one-year terms, beginning in 1997. Vivid imagery characterizes his other collections, which include History of My Heart (1984), The Want Bone (1990), The Figured Wheel: New and Collected Poems (1996), Jersey Rain (2000), and Gulf Music (2007). He was awarded the William Carlos Williams award of the Poetry Society of America in 1984 for his publication of History of My Heart (1984). In 1985 he also released a computerized novel, Mindwheel. He eventually moved to Boston, where he continued to teach creative writing at Boston University into the twenty-first century. In 1999, he co-edited Americans' Favorite Poems: The Favorite Poem Project Anthology with Maggie Dietz. Robert Pinsky’s first two terms as United States Poet Laureate were marked by such visible dynamism, and such national enthusiasm in response, that the Library of Congress appointed him to an unprecedented third term. Pinsky’s prose book, The Life of David, is a lively retelling and examination of the David stories, narrating a wealth of legend as well as scripture. The anthology Americans' Favorite Poems, which includes letters from project participants, is in its 18th printing. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Throughout his career, Pinsky has been dedicated to identifying and invigorating poetry’s place in the world. The mind waiting in the mindAs in the first thing to hand. Or nowhere. Pinsky cotranslated poems by Czesław Miłosz that were published in The Separate Notebooks (1984). Parallel to his love for music and the sound of life, at a young age, he came to respect the common worker and the person who could do something: the carpenter, builder, and painter.

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