Though the ancient Greeks were quite advanced in their study of science and discovered many truths, they were mistaken about the peacock. Some of these include “In hoc signo” which is Latin for “In this sign” again referring to the story of Constantine from above. © 2013-2020 The Mystical Humanity of Christ. This symbol, although an animal, is different from the other two animal symbols and comes from how the word fish is spelled in Greek. The history of this symbol is a bit more interesting however. The Pelican. This symbolism was adopted into Christianity, and the peacock appears in many early Christian mosaics and paintings to represent eternal life. This symbol of the Chi-Rho became a symbol of Christianity from this point forward. Here are 7 symbols of Christianity that you may or may not know about, but which can still be seen today if you are looking for them. Using the Greek alphabet to spell the word the letters are also the initials of each word for the Greek phrase “Iesous Christos Theou Huios Soter” which means “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior”. He then proceeded to have his soldiers paint this symbol on their shields and adopt the symbol as the symbol of their army. That death is not the end is central to the Christian belief in the heaven and the resurrection of the body. The first three letters of Jesus in Greek written with Latin letters is IHS and thus the letters have come to mean the Holy Name of Jesus. IHS is a Christogram, like the Chi-Rho, in other words, a way to represent Christ with letters. 2 One may also hear the opinion that the peacock is the symbol of (ironically) humility, since it has great beauty, yet hides it all behind itself. We see the cross everywhere, from art to churches, from jewelry to car decals, and we forget that originally the cross was a symbol of brutal death. What Does a Peacock Feather Symbolize in Faiths Across the World? There were also other symbols based in Greek and Roman letters in early Christian times. The Greek word for fish is Ichthys. Some of these include “In hoc signo” which is Latin for “In this sign” again referring to the story of Constantine from above. Early Christians, therefore, adopted the bird as a symbol of the Resurrection, Christ’s eternal, glorious existence. This symbol doesn’t take much thinking about. All rights reserved. It also strenghtens the symbol that many of Jesus’ first followers were fishermen and that Jesus said that Peter would become a “Fisher of Men.”. It was used as such because of ancient knowledge that we now know is incorrect. In the Christian tradition, the peacock symbolizes the sun’s wheel, and the patterns on his tail resemble the starry sky. It becomes the means by which he defeats death. But that is the great mystery of Christianity—what the world would see as the final humiliation and final loss of Jesus Christ, his execution in a brutal public way—becomes his greatest victory. Let’s begin with the symbols that are animal-based. These three letters are often used on altars and on priestly vestments and especially by members of the Jesuit order. That death is not the end is central to the Christian belief in the heaven and the resurrection of the body. Thus we find paintings and mosaics with the peacock as early as the 3rd century on the walls of the catacombs of Rome, a symbol of the exchanging of the mortal earthly body for the glorified body and eternal life of … A very interesting symbolism is associated with the peacock. From animals that were used to represent key doctrines to Greek letters, Christian symbols have been around since the beginning of Christianity. He stopped the persecutions of Christians in the empire and was even baptized on his death bed. PEACOCK MEANING The peacock, touted for its beauty, has many different meanings and symbolic associations across many different religions around the world. However, there has been added symbolism to these letters as others have come up with phrases that also begin with IHS. The following three symbols are very likely to be found in art and Christian sculptures, including altars. The peacock is first mentioned in the Bible in the time of Solomon. The symbol he saw was the Chi-Rho. He stopped the persecutions of Christians in the empire and was even baptized on his death bed. We all know the peacock, but many of us don’t know that it is a Christian symbol. This came from the ancient legend that the flesh of the peacock did not decay. Its many different colors and radiant feathers signifies integrity, truth, honor, and making sure to love one’s self. In English it has also gained the meaning of “I Have Suffered” as a message from Jesus Christ to us. The peacock is also seen as a symbol of resurrection: "When the peacock sheds his feathers, he grows more brilliant ones than those he lost." Solomon was the richest among all the kings that the Bible tells us about. Its feather is a considered a powerful and mythical symbol in many different cultures of the world. When a peacock enters into the Frey they strut in confidently and gracefully as if nothing is wrong. This Mysticurious article takes you through the various meanings and symbolism of a peacock feather. 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The reasons for these acient Christian symbols are varied—sometimes symbols were used to secretly communicate because of Christian persecution, sometimes they were used simply to convey something in shorthand, and other times the religious symbol was an easier way to understand the doctrine itself. When Christianity spread through Greece, the peacock became a symbol for everlasting life. So, whenever we see this symbol we recall the victory over death won for us by Christ.

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