Von etwa 200 Taten des Krankenpflegers Niels Högel gehen die Ermittler aus. Eine offene Fehlerkultur schafft kein Misstrauen, sondern stärkt das Team. SSW einfach berechnen. [8] He has an older sister. Als Krankenpfleger haben sie erst im Klinikum Oldenburg, dann in Delmenhorst zusammengearbeitet. Immer wieder hat es Serienmörder gegeben, im Allgäu einen Krankenpfleger mit 29 Morden, in Berlin eine Krankenschwester mit sieben Morden. "Für alle Einrichtungen braucht es eine unabhängige und externe Anlaufstelle, bei der anonyme Hinweisgeber verdächtige Vorkommnisse melden können.". We pay for your stories! Prosecutors in twonorthern German towns say they believe that former nurse Niels Hoegel is likely to have committed at least 43 homicides … Oft schaffte er es nicht. Der 48-Jährige war ein Kollege von Niels Högel, einst auch ein guter Freund. OLDENBURG, Germany — The former nurse’s crimes were “incomprehensible,” a German judge told the court on Thursday, reaching his arms across the breadth of the bench as if to capture in one gesture what he sensed his words had failed to define — the enormity of murdering 85 patients who had been placed in the care of the nurse but instead had found death. Große Auswahl an Providern, Datentarife The letter concludes with an overall assessment of Högel having completed assigned tasks "to the utmost satisfaction".[13]. Denn die hängt vom Täter ab, von Niels Högel, 41, Krankenpfleger aus Wilhelmshaven. Mr. Högel is already serving a life sentence for other murders, and the judge made it clear that his record would ensure that he would not be eligible for early parole. Högel admitted to an undisclosed number of deaths but in most cases was unable to remember specific details, although he did not deny possibly being responsible. “All of their relatives deserve that their memory be honoured,” said presiding judge Sebastian Buehrmann. On 28 February 2015, the Landgericht Oldenburg (German regional court) sentenced Högel to life in prison. The evidence that Niels Hoegel is a homosexual is that the media has reported nothing of his personal life. Please continue to respect all commenters and create constructive debates. Im Verfahren gegen Niels Högel soll in Kürze die Urteilsverkündung stattfinden. Nach jedem Namen kommt das Fazit der Staatsanwältin - wie ein Refrain: "Der Angeklagte verabreichte dem Patienten ohne ärztliche Anordnung, ohne Indikation das Medikament (meist Gyluritmal), wodurch es wie beabsichtigt zu einer Reanimationspflichtigkeit kam." [5] It became final on 11 September 2020 when the Federal Court of Justice dismissed both appeals. The case is sensitive for German authorities because police have said opportunities to stop Hoegel earlier were missed because local health officials hesitated over whether to raise concerns. Aktuelle Netto Angebote! Zudem sei es an der Zeit, "dass in allen Ländern endlich Schwerpunktstaatsanwaltschaften und zentrale Ermittlungsgruppen für Delikte in Pflege und Medizin eingerichtet werden. Die Staatsanwältin nummeriert durch: Fall 1, Fall 2, Fall 3, Fall 4... Allein 37 Getötete im Krankenhaus Oldenburg. Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Für diese Taten, für dieses Leid gibt es kein gerechtes Urteil. [28] In November 2017, the total number of victims attributed to Högel was revised and increased to 106, with some suspicious deaths still under investigation. Niels Hoegel, 41, is said to have intentionally administered medical overdoses so he could attempt to impress colleagues by resuscitating the patients. In his ruling, the judge condemned the director of the main Oldenburg hospital by name for failing to take action that could have stopped Mr. Högel and saved lives. Off duty, Högel rode along in an ambulance, operated by the German Red Cross (DRK) station in Ganderkesee-Bookhorn. “Your guilt is so large that one can’t explain it,” the presiding judge, Sebastian Bührmann, told the nurse, Niels Högel, in a courtroom packed with the relatives of the 100 patients whose deaths he was charged with orchestrating. Schwangerschaftswoche und Geburtstermin berechnen. [37] He was found guilty on 85 separate murder charges and not guilty on 15 further murder charges. Meist hat Högel mit dem Herzmittel Gyluritmal getötet, bei vielen hat er aber auch Kalium verwandt, das ist in jeder Leiche zu finden und sagt nichts aus.

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