Kayce, if you’re shooting with a 100mm macro, you’re likely too close to the product. Nationwide via mail. Therefore, a larger subject will necessitate a larger lightbox. Step 7: Take another pic. These guidelines are applicable for any DSLR – Nikon or Canon or mirrorless cameras like Sony. I am not a proficient photographer by any stretch: I have a neat little Canon Powershot S110 with a zoom lens, and I have a couple of smartphones. I find this difficult to do, so I just shoot the item in the light box against a dark or even a white background and have an expert remove the background. And how to switch from Auto mode to Aperture mode and Manual mode. Considering outsourcing? Looking to outsource your project – view pricing here. However, I usually don’t manage to get a completely white background, even if it looks like one on the camera display. Most jewelry designers start their business at... Hi everyone, here are recent samples of projects I’ve completed. I skip the theory here and walk you through how to determine the best DSLR camera settings for photographing jewelry based on your lighting set up – whether it’s a lightbox or tent or a custom set up. What marketing or photography topics should we blog about next? Nationwide service across the US. After some research, I got myself a photo light box (aka light tent) with integrated LED lighting and a small, but precise tripod. Are there any other settings I should have on the camera for best results? With some other light tent solutions, you have to iron out creases or edit them out in Photoshop. Comment and let us know. Thank you . That is if it has that option. Also, a remote to trigger the shutter is a good idea since touching the camera at all might cause a bit of shake. Conversely, if I wanted to shoot with a black background, I would adjust the exposure control so that the histogram touches the left edge of the display. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The auto setting will work too but images will likely be darker. Our website uses cookies to provide its services. Avoid using automatic settings as well, especially the “Auto White Balance” setting that some cameras have. shoot24x7@gmail.com, 7 Simple Jewelry Photography Props You Can Use, Product Photography – RAW v. JPEG v. TIFF, https://www.jewelryshoot.com/jewelry-photography/macro-focus-stacking, 4 easy steps to branding your jewelry business (without losing your mind), Build your jewelry brand: 9 indie designers to inspire you, 2019 Sample jewelry photography project work, How to Add or Change Background Color in Images with a Transparent Background, Aperture & Shutter Speed – Photographing Jewelry in Manual Mode, Blending Images in Photoshop for Very Clear Pictures, 10 Step Guide on How to Sell Jewelry To Stores, How to Add a Simple Product Shadow in Photoshop, Jewelry Making Classes, Courses and Online Tutorials, Buying Jewelry Supplies: Notes from our readers, 8 Simple ways to edit jewelry product photos using Photoshop. ISO: as low as possible. This is generally enough for my purposes, i.e., posting the image on my blog or in inserting it into a document. Take a pic and look at the shutter speed setting which was set. GET IT TODAY ON AMAZON At +1 1/3 exposure the histogram touches the right edge: The right edge of the histogram represents pure white, while the left edge is pure black. Photo background removal services on Fiverr start from $5 for multiple images. if any could help me or at least guide into the right direction I would really appreciate it. It is also useful for those with mirrorless CSC cameras (Compact System Cameras) or point and shoots where you are able to adjust and manipulate settings such as aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Improve Memory, Learning and Personal Knowledge Management, Home » Productivity » Using a Photo Light Box for Taking Product Photos for My Blog: A Great Time Saver. Hi Maria, a prime lens like the 50 is a better lens in general but you’ll have to move the camera around for each pic because you can’t zoom in/out. They needed to be on a white background. Nikon d7100 I will try your steps tomorrow, here is my setup for now. At some point, a friend asked whether I could help her take pictures of two products for her shop. The best way to do this is to set it on fully automatic. Manual mode and manual focus are different things.

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