into the lean and slippered pantaloon, Ingeniously Jaques lines one great common place-the world as a theatre, life as a play with another notion familiar to historians of ideas, the Seven Ages of Man. Turning again toward childish treble, pipes Their roles are allotted to And all the men and women merely players; Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Full of wise saws, and modern instances; एक प्रेमी-एक प्रेमिका की याद में अनुराग पूर्वक सुलगता हुआ उसके बारे में सोचता है। उसी की याद में भट्टी की तरह गर्म आहें भरता है और उसकी (प्रेमिका) की याद में दुःख भरे गीत लिखता है।, Question 4. (iii) While going to school, a child is dressed very well. Important Questions for CBSE Class 9 English Chapter 1 The Seven Ages REFERENCE TO CONTEXT QUESTIONS (SOLVED) Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow: Question.1. That ends this strange eventful history, Question 1. })(window, document); Your email address will not be published. by William Shakespeare. (iv) How does a judge convince by his speech? Devoted, honorable, aggressive, impulsive, short tempered, fearless, ambitious. men-women, to him and for which he is ever ready to risk his life. He is always ready to defend it. themselves. (ii) A judge outwardly wears the expression of harshness and strictness because he tries to show himself an embodiment of discipline in order to impress everyone. बलिदान देकर भी देश की रक्षा करूंगा। Verify your number to create your account, Sign up with different email address/mobile number, NEWSLETTER : Get latest updates in your inbox, Need assistance? Educational Videos for Students – SuccessCDs Education YouTube Videos. Jaques’ speech about the seven stages of a man’s life is too famous to require any mention here. You may refer to your In words ‘good copon lines’ some crities have read an allusion to the prevalence of Corruption in Elizabethan times. (i) Why does the poet call this world a huge theatre? He swears to show the feelings of patriotism, honour and dedication for his nation.He Answer: (ii) Why do the poet call men and women merely players? Your No1 source for Latest Entrance Exams, Admission info, December 19, 2013 by anurag in Education, English, Learn English, The Seven Ages by William Shakespeare – CBSE English Poem Class 9. The name of the poet of the poem is William Shakespeare. Answer the following questions : Then a soldier, (iii) How does the voice of the old man change? And shining morning face, creaking like snail Question 1. This line is taken from the poem "The Seven Ages of Man" by William Shakespeare. (iv) By using many wise maxims and common place illustrations, in his speech, a judge convinces. } In fair round belly with good copon lined, Unwillingly to school. Is second childishness and mere oblivion, संसार (दुनिया) एक रंगमंच है में से figure of speech को पहचानिए। (iii) Which thing is very dear to the soldier? And one man in his time plays many parts, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side; (iii) Figure of speech ‘metaphor’. to a play. स्कूल जाते समय, बच्चा अच्छी तरह सज्जित होता है। उसके चेहरे पर चमक दिखाई देती है, अपने कंधों पर अपने सिपाही (सैनिक) विचित्र शपथ क्यों लेता है? Answer: (iii) A judge keeps beard which is neatly trimmed after conventional pattern. (iv) Name all the stages mentioned here. These are described in seven stages. if(k.className == "adPushupAds" && k.getAttribute("data-push") != "1") { This line is taken from the poem "The Seven Ages of Man" by William Shakespeare. side-wide, all rhymes with each other. (ii)The poet calls men and women merely players because they do not choose their roles Whenever it comes The Seven Ages by William Shakespeare - CBSE English Poem Class 9. Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Full of wise saws and modern instances; appearance. instantly. Contact us on below numbers, Kindly Sign up for a personalized experience. नहीं कर सकते हैं। उनकी भूमिका पूर्व निर्धारित है वे केवल अभिनेत्री व अभिनेता हैं। (ii) How does a man look like in the sixth stage? and all the senses decay and the man then becomes almost nothing-without teeth, without eyes and without taste. He wrote sonnets, narrative long poems and numerous plays. It plays in nurse’s arms. William Shakespeare [1564 -- 1616] was born in Stratford-upon-Avon. चूषक शिशु रोता, चिल्लाता, सिसकियाँ भरता तथा उल्टी करता है। वह परिचारिका के बांहों में खेलता है। (ii) A Soldier, due to remaining far from his house for a long time, has a rough and shabby (function (w, d) { for (var i = 0, j = d.getElementsByTagName("ins"), k = j[i]; i < j.length; k = j[++i]){ k.setAttribute("data-push", "1"); } His hands and fingers tremble while doing some work. कवि के अनुसार महिलाएं एवं पुरुष केवल पात्र है क्योंकि वह स्वयं अपनी भूमिकाओं का चयन नहीं करते वह (i) What happens with a man of age in the sixth stage? (ii) Why does a child not what to go to school? } And whistles in his sound. And then, the Justice, The sirth age shifts But there is a difference. 1. (iv) Why is the last stage called the second childhood? Men and women are merely players with their exits and their entrances mechanically regulated movement in anephemeral pageant. Find out rhyming words in the poem. Questions. (iv)The poet has mentioned seven ( stages-infant, school-going boy, lover, soldier, judge, the के प्रति देशभक्ति, गौरव और समर्पण की भावनाओं की शपथ लेता है, और शपथ लेता है कि अपने जीवन का Is second childishness and mere oblivion He loses all his strength of youth. (iv) The last stage is also called second childhood because all the memory of the past is lost को संकट में डालने के लिए भी हमेशा तत्पर रहता है। वही उसके जीवन का मुख्य लक्ष्य है।, 4. (ii) In the sixth stage, the man of age becomes a lean comic figure because he wears slippers, spectacles and a pouch (bag). The dramatic function of this maxim is that it serves as a cue for Jaques to launch into his great set piece ‘All the World’s a Stage’ exactly as a casual line can ( be cue for a song in a musical comedy. न्यायवेत्ता विद्वतापूर्ण नीतियों द्वारा जन साधारण स्थानों पर दृष्टांत देकर अपनी वाक्क्षमता से प्रभावित करते हैं।, 5. CBSE Class 9 - English (C) - The Seven Ages The Seven Ages. एक बच्चा ज्यादा-ज्यादा खेलना पसन्द करता है इसलिए वह स्कूल जाने में अपनी अनिच्छा दिखाता है। Even in the Cannon’s mouth, (ii) What is the appearance of a soldier? (function (w, d) { for (var i = 0, j = d.getElementsByTagName("ins"), k = j[i]; i < j.length; k = j[++i]){

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