In 2006, on occasion of the exhibition Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso – Diálogo de Vanguardas, CAM and Assírio & Alvim published it in a facsimile edition, under the title A Lenda de São Julião Hospitaleiro. Najaar 1918 overleed hij aan de Spaanse griep, slechts dertig jaar oud. These cookies may be our own and / or owned by third parties. More art movements. Artists Amadeo de Souza Cardoso. Within this cluster of friendships, diverse projects would coalesce, namely the creation of a Corporation Nouvelle destined to promote international touring exhibitions, an idea which never came to fruition. Zece ani mai târziu, în Portugalia se instituie un premiu pentru distincția pictorilor moderniști, cu numele de "Premiul Souza-Cardoso". Benché abbia avuto una breve esistenza, la sua alacrità era leggendaria. ), Untitled (Mother and daughter) Study for the drawing of the album XX DESSINS, Nº 5, Frontispício (não utilizado) para “La Légende de Saint Julien L´Hospitalier” de Gustave Flaubert, Brazões da cidades de Pau, Bayonne e Tarbes [Coat of Arms of the cities of Pau, Bayonne and Tarbes], Brazões das cidades de Montpellier e Narbonne [Coat of Arms of the cities of Montpellier and Narbonne], Brazões das cidades de Saint-Briene e Quimper [Coat of Arms of the Cities of Saint-Briene and Quimper], Le Prince et la Meute [The Prince and the Hounds], L’ATHLÉTE [The Athlete] (Drawing nº 6 for the allbum “XX DESSINS” ), Gustave Flaubert – La Légende de Saint Julien L’Hospitalier, Procession Corpus Christi / Procissão Corpus Christi, Janelas do pescador [Windows of a Fisherman], LE TOURNOI [The Tournament] (Drawing nº 17 for the album ” XX DESSINS” ), La forêt merveilleuse (Desenho nº 2 para o álbum XX DESSINS), Natureza viva dos objectos [Still-life of the objects], A casita clara – paysagem [The little bright house – landscape], LA TOURMENTE (Original drawing for the album XX DESSINS,1912), Brazões das cidades de Toulouse, Auch e Mont-de-Marsan, Cosinha da Casa de Manhufe [Kitchen of the Manhufe House], Paysagem – figura negra [Landscape – black figure], Trou de la serrure PARTO DA VIOLA Bon ménage Fraise avant garde, Janellas e postigos [Windows and Hatches], Canção popular – a Russa e o Figaro / Folk Song [The Russian and the Figaro]. In October 1918, Amadeo died in Espinho, the victim of an epidemic of pneumonia which erupted that year. Face cunoștință cu pictorul Amedeo Modigliani, de care îl va lega o trainică prietenie. He would exhibit there again in the following year and in 1914. He went to the Académie des Beaux-Arts and the Viti Academy of the Impressionist painter Anglada Camarasa. The studio he rented at 14, Cité Falguiére became a place for gatherings and bohemia, with the frequent presence of artists such as Manuel Bentes, Eduardo Viana (who went with him on a trip to Brittany in 1907), Emmerico Nunes, Domingos Rebelo and Smith. În 1914 se întâlnește la Barcelona cu Antonio Gaudí, pleacă la Madrid, unde îl surprinde izbucnirea Primului Război Mondial. At the age of 18, Amadeo de Souza Cardoso entered the Superior School of Fine Arts of Lisbon and one year later on his 19th birthday celebration he went to Paris, where he intended to continue his studies but soon quit the architecture course and started studying painting. In 1913 exposeerde hij op de Armory Show te New York en bij Galerie Der Sturm te Berlijn, en vestigde zijn naam als vooraanstaand postmodernistisch kunstschilder. Some months before, Amadeo had displayed a collection of 6 paintings at the Salon des Indépendents. It is also in this period that we find him solidifying his friendship with Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920). Biografie. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 14 sep 2017 om 22:19. Cubism 154 items. In the meantime, his circle of friends and acquaintances increased and became more international. Likewise, he showed his work at the Salon d’Automne between 1912 and 1914. He then moved his studio to rue des Fleurus, to a space contiguous to Gertrude Stein’s apartment. He was 19 and wanted to continue the studies in architecture that he had begun in Lisbon. Also in 1914, before leaving Paris to spend the summer in Portugal as usual, Amadeo moved his studio to Vila Louvat, at 38 rue Boulard. It was through them that his circle of relations recuperated Eduardo Viana, and extended to Almada Negreiros. In 1910 exposeerde Souza-Cardoso een aantal toen nog door het impressionisme en postimpressionisme beïnvloedde werken bij de Société des Artistes Indépendants. Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso né le 14 novembre 1887 à Manhufe, dans la paroisse de Mancelos, à Amarante, et mort le 25 octobre 1918 à Espinho, est un peintre portugais, précurseur de l'art moderne. Wikipedia. Își întrerupe însă studiile și, în 1906 pleacă la Paris, instalându-se în cartierul Montparnasse. Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso s-a născut în anul 1887 în Manhufe, în apropierea orașului Amarante. Therefore, they are always enabled. Show less Read more. However, the Parisian atmosphere reinforced his inclination for drawing and caricature, thus contributing to remove himself apart definitively from the field of Architecture.

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