I liked this book because of the humor and the fact that the main character is afraid that his older sister will strap a 3 sided cage to his face, fill it with starving rats that will slowly eat his way in to his brain................... Another great book more humorous than anything. Jack's failing IQ test (he's average) starts a series of events that affects Jack's life and his dream to be a writer. There are actually 3 stories in this book. In the book he gets made fun of by his family but he keeps on trying to write. The author, Jack Black, tells about his life as a criminal and hobo. It was a alright book it was not what I expected well that is all I think of it. His black book is where he is preserving his experiences, especially those tragic experiences which will make him a great writer. He wrote You Can't Win (Macmillan, 1926) a memoir or sketched autobiography describing his days on the road and life as an outlaw. In 1982, Black first acted in a television commercial at age 13 for the video game Pitfall!. This is based very much on events that happened to Jack Gantos as a child. He acquires an old-fashioned typewriter from a garage sale and it doesn't take him long to lose it in the ocean. The book is full of moments where adults say baffling and terrifying things: "He's started seeing a therapist. Jack Black was writing from experience, having spent thirty years (fifteen of which were spent in various prisons) as a traveling criminal and offers tales of being a cross-country stick-up man, home burglar, petty thief, and opium fiend. John Black was a late 19th century/early 20th century hobo and professional burglar, living out the dying age of the Wild West. His family thinks he is stupid (and so do all his teachers) and they ffrequently tell him so. He wants his professional tools to be typewriters and paper. Jack Henry has several dates with destiny in this book, and each of them will give him plenty of opportunity for that novel he intends to write, but he will need to tidy them up quite a bit in print if he doesn't want them to be pure comedy. Black's book was written as an anti-crime book urging criminals to go straight, but it is also his statement of belief in the futility of prisons and the criminal justice system, hence the title of the book. Arnold Snyder is a member of the Blackjack Hall of Fame and was making a … Then he finds out it was all a set up. His plans for launching his career don't work out the way he wants them to, and his plans to abort his woodworking career go similarly awry. He lives in the suburbs near a beach. We’d love your help. i dont recommend it! Evidently that's what happens when you flunk an IQ test. In 1987, Black joined the Actors' Gang, a theater troupe founded by UCLA students including Tim Robbins, and he appeared in a variety of stage productions. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published I had not spent one hour in the company of an honest person. There are actually 3 stories in this book. Jack Black (1871–1932) was a hobo and professional burglar. “I was wrong. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Born in 1871 in New Westminster, British Columbia, he was raised from infancy in the U.S. state of Missouri. Jack visit's a fortune teller. I think that disproportion would appeal to a young adult and they would give it a much higher rating than I did. Each of us must be tempered in some fire. It didn't catch me AT ALL! He was just below average so they had to keep him there, but the bad score bothered Jack and it haunted him for the rest of a book. Jack doesn't want to be "average": he wants to be a writer! He returned to New York and Fremont thought Jack did what he always said any down-and-outer should do, "fill his pockets with rocks and take a header into the bay. (Jack Henry) (Jack Henry). Jack's Black Book is about a twelve year old boy, Jack, that's life caught up to him and now he is stuck in what people, and test say about him.

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