He walked up to her and kissed her cheek. He found her playing with Alexander on the floor. When she pulled away Astinos captured her lips. Why are you kissing me?" Astinos walked in and saw Elizabeth looking at their son. Then there was a loud crash, as Stellios hit the ground. "I love you darling." Elizabeth laid there looking at her stomach wondering when the baby would come......She wouldn't have to wait long.............Her water broke. As the sun filled the room, Elizabeth opened her eyes to see her husband sitting at her side with their son in his lap, both were fast asleep. "Well, there's Alexander, Achilles, Ajax, we promised Stellios that we would name a son after him." Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Astinos was not present. She spoke, a sense of fear in her voice. Hercules climbed onto the bed and sat with his mother. "Astinos.....Wake Up." Get your answers by asking now. "We should go to bed." I probably don’t care if you hate my blog. The Captain turned "I have others to replace him" "You, Are a good friend, but a better Captain there is none." "Astinos, now we're the parents of five children. "Astinos, It. ", "What would you have me do? She stood there until she could stand no more. "It was a look of happiness I, hope." Silencing his train of thought he went to bed. Yes, the world needs to know about some 31 … Elizabeth said looking to her son. Elizabeth smiled feeling her loving husbands lips against her warm skin. Elizabeth let Hercules take a walk with Stellios and a few men. Against everyone, against their laws, against their Gods. Randy Marsh from South Park is a bit of an asshole, but still strives to be there to comfort his son. "You will go home you will bear the children we all can see you desire to have, you will, live to see another battle." Stellios yelled after his friend. She is my wife!". Her siblings asked. When word reached Sparta of a great war that would decide the fate of the world, as they knew it the King grew worried. He stood there in the room for a moment then, rushed after her. Well, a tear left my eye. Elizabeth smiled at his words. Astinos stood beside Elizabeth's horse. "For I am already with yours." She approached his side kneeling down looking into his, smoky blue-green eyes. Elizabeth touched his face gently being brought to tears. "IT'S ABOUT TIME!!" Elizabeth asked taking her son into her arms. Astinos, that's what separates us from every other Spartan couple.". 6 of 6 found this interesting Interesting? Elizabeth turned, now facing him. In a worried voice the captain turned and faced her "I was unaware of your marriage to Astinos. When he returned he laid down next to his wife. Suddenly there was a knock at their bedroom door. She placed a tender kiss upon his lips. wing. Elizabeth jokingly warned. Several immense, gore-filled, videographic porn, scenes later… Astinos and Stelios (fellow warrior) fight off the Persians ahead of the other Spartans, close to the end of a battle. I saw the same glow when your mother became pregnant with you. To be honest, it just made sense for me to do this. Astinos stood and shifted their son into her arms like he did when the boy was a babe. Besides Stellios there were two hundred and ninety nine men going on the journey. He leaned down and kissed Elizabeth's stomach where their child lie and rest. She said resting her head against his chest. She walked up to him, her hair was curled and long, she smelled of flowers and she was not happy. "I fear for all of, them. Here's some pics of him from the movie... http://www.geocities.com/sgarde85/wisdom.html. Dellios said as they approached the outskirts of town. I’ve probably watched the movie 300 probably about 300 times. "Astinos! "It's nothing." She, laid her head on his shoulder as she began to freely cry in the privacy of their chambers. Shocked and turned on Elizabeth pulled away. Astinos was the son of Captain Artemis, (historically known as Alexandros) and a member of the three hundred Spartans whom King Leonidas led to Thermopylae to confront the Persian invaders. After the fight is over, Captain Artemis and his son share what seems to be the first loving moment of their lives. "I'm frightened about having the baby." Astinos turned to face her. He looked at his glowing daughter and smiled. Astinos began sitting next to the bath. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. Elizabeth said walking into the room. she saw her children, she saw her life as a mother, a wife, and a queen. And there is no better gift that I could give my children then a, wonderful mother like the one you will come to be." speaks of." Elizabeth walked down the road to her mother's house. You Killed My Father: His father is Astinos walked out and kissed Elizabeth. "What are we going to name him?" She turned around "I have, something to tell you.....some thing's happened" Elizabeth looked into Astinos' eyes "We're having a, baby." Astinos said not a word as he carried her to their new bedroom in the palace. she put one hand on his cheek kissing him back. "I am with child.." Seeing the smile on her fathers face as he took his last breath was, a look that few would have ever seen of their mighty king. heart. Soon she came across the very court yard of sand where her father had taught her how to fight. Astinos said with a beaming smile as he leaned forward to kiss Elizabeth's forehead. My kids are what are the best things about me. Elizabeth woke up before the sun, before the soldiers. She began to panic... She called: "Astinos?!!!" She needed to maintain her Spartan reserve. "I'll join you." "I came looking for you. He kissed his wife and ran down the hill to fetch the women's doctor. "I don't think I can have this baby Astinos..." She looked down as he kissed her forehead. "Astinos, I love you." Work Search: Hercules handed a toy to his new brother and kissed his cheek. She was so happy. "He missed you. Elizabeth said as she laid her head on Astinos' shoulder. Elizabeth looked down at the baby every once in a while seeing if he was awake or not.

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