So the Iroquois-Dutch alliance is unlikely to remain indefinite, unless they have some perpetual enemy. Currently, support for the government among its populace is at an all-time low, and some Iroquoian journalists have started calling their country a failed state. The forum's owner is a former contributor to Point of Divergence. I have to imagine that inevitably as in OTL American, African, and Indian colonial history, the natives eventually turn on one another at some point, and the Europeans get greedy and seek to take advantage of it. American Revolution still happens but loyalists don't flee to Canada, leaving the Iroquois more firmly in control of upper Canada than in the same period OTL. Iroquois numbers, a resupply of modern arms means that the English are probably outnumbered 2-1, plus those Indians who were fence sitters or English allies switch sides. Apr 18, 2015 - As a fairness disclosure to the native peoples that inhabited these lands before us, we did not take the name of “Iroquois” with a particular historical or cultural viewpoint. So I remembered the Iroquois. History. It failed to join the Canadian Confederation, both because Canada would not let it in, and because of pressure from New England. It used to be part of New York Province, but declared independence in the 1980s. The Dutch actualy were more or less allied to the Iroquois. When modern time come and you can have your cake and eat it too in terms of keep the land pristine and mass mining, confederacy makes dummy retarded amount of money in the modern day and pulls a Norway that invests back into the people instead of completely mass self profits. What it does for the Dutch is removes a rival that is growing faster than they are. They keep the beaver wars going until continent is United. One thing which a Dutch/Iroquois alliance could effect is King Phillips War from1675 to 78. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. They have iroquois as a stalwart ally/protectorate. Iroquois is a democracy, but its approval is at an all-time low. 2013 Shattered Nation: An Alternate History of the American Civil War, by Jeffrey Evans Brooks, A single telegram changes the course of the Civil War; as a result, Jefferson Davis never replaces Joseph E. Johnston with John Bell Hood as commander of the Army of Tennessee in the Battle of Atlanta., English, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk. It maintains positive enough relations with its two more powerful neighbors to never get conquered, and perhaps offers itself as a Native American refuge, giving tribes ethnically cleansed from elsewhere somewhere to go, and boosting its own native population to ensure they stay a majority rather than being swamped by European settlers looking for empty land. He has written some excellent articles on how alternate time-lines might work. 49. You must log in or register to reply here. A Wampanoag chief named Metacomet. Notes for writing history: Iroquois is a brash nation It was formed (peacefully) by secessionists who looked at the Canadian model, but its citizens were not all on board. Who were the English at risk of losing New England to? Multiple European colonies means the native nations can play off the powers and slow down the rate of white incursion. Disease is causing native population decline, while the white population is increasing. It depends on several factors. Confederacy would welcome more civilized tribes onto the confederacy. Unlike my Europa Universalis games, the Dutch or the French, don't let the natives live and let live indefinitely and eventually encroach upon their land- I don't really see them as being any less avaricious than the English or the Spaniards. Close. The Iroquois leadership wants the country to be self-sustainable, but its small population and lack of good leadership has not let this happen. So the Iroquois-Dutch alliance is unlikely to remain indefinite, unless they have some perpetual enemy. It does actually still exist, but as a recognized tribe rather than a fully sovereign nation. comments; other discussions (13) Want to join? I think its pretty cool that by tweaking one event, the whole timeline changes. Make an alternate history where the Iroquois Confederacy survives into the modern day. French colonies in Quebec become a small Republic, the Iroquois become an independent state. The World Today. save hide report. An independent Iroquois confederacy survives in upper Canada between Quebec and the USA. Continuing to maintain existing lifestyle while merely trading for guns/goods will not maintain enough power to stave off encroachment.

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