(en) 25بك المحتوى هنا ينقصه الاستشهاد بمصادر. Sir Leslie Stephen KCB (28 November 1832 – 22 February 1904) was an English author, critic, historian, biographer, and mountaineer, and father of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell. The National Portrait Gallery will NOT use your information to contact you or store for any other purpose than to investigate or display your contribution. Sir Leslie Stephen, KCB was an English author, critic and mountaineer, and the father of Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell. by the opposite ridge of the mountain to that which I had climbed.”. After this first stretch, 5 hours before the start, a perplexed but enchanted Leslie Stephen arrived – presumably – in the basin that leads from Rifugio Pradidali to the gap of Passo di Ball, where he stood admiring the surrounding peaks, not hiding a strong doubt about the success of his crossing, given the total absence, apparently, of any logical line of ascent. Along with these thoughts, however, perhaps fueled by the fact that he could see the entire Primiero Valley on the horizon, a crazy idea occurred to him: to close his route by descending from the opposite side of the summit (to the south), avoiding repeating the grueling crossing of the valley of Pradidali, by descending (presumably!) We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. We'll need your email address so that we can follow up on the information provided and contact you to let you know when your contribution has been published. Gabriel Loppé (1825–1913) was a French painter, photographer and mountaineer. In its specifics this wasn’t very important to Stephen, although he must have been broadly informed on scientific subjects. Please note that we cannot provide valuations. Sitter in 13 portraitsAuthor, literary critic, philosopher and mountaineer, Sir Leslie Stephen wrote on ethics, theology and the history of ideas. Everything is shot on film (both 35mm and 120). What began as a simple way to keep visually alert in between directing jobs soon morphed in to a daily diary of images and eventually became an obsession I've been struggling to contain ever since. […] Above the meadows of the Primiero valley there rises a long slope, first of forest and then of alp, to the foot of the mighty peaks which spring at one bound to a height of some ten thousand feet. Do you have specialist knowledge or a particular interest about any aspect of the portrait or sitter or artist that you can share with us? […] In the gully which I was speedily climbing, there was not a breath of air. “[…] I thought it best to enter the broadest and most accessible of these gashes, which lay immediately behind the Sas Maor, and is known as the Val di Pravitali. […] I was quite certain that I could not climb back. The playground of Europe: By: Leslie Stephen, to: Gabriel Loppe (1825-1913) was a French painter, photographer and mountaineer. Later, it was Sir Leslie Stephen himself, as he wrote in his book, proposing the name of Mr. Ball to the summit he climbed during his long itinerary (later officially proposed by Herr Suda and approved with the name of Cima di Ball), as a sign of gratitude to Mr. Ball for providing him all the necessary information and suggestions to complete his hike. Behind them, , I knew, lay a wilderness of partially explored summits, with sides as steep as those of a cathedral and surrounded by daring spires and pinnacles, writhing into every conceivable shape and almost too fantastical to be beautiful.”, Perfectly aware of the possible risks and with the bare minimum of equipment, Leslie left for heading towards, […] I thought it best to enter the broadest and most accessible of these gashes, which lay immediately behind the Sas Maor, and is known as the Val di Pravitali. Why not also take a look over there? Among the first members of John Ball’s Alpine Club, founded in London’s Ashley’s Hotel in 1857 and milestone of what will be remembered in history as the Golden Age of mountaineering (1854-1865), was a young Leslie Stephen, who became president of the Alpine Club from 1865 to 1868.

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