My life would have no more meaning nor purpose. Here are 7 things that many of us innocently mistake to be love. It is time to change the meaning of the word “love.”. […] great people, some known and others unknown, about mankind’s greatest strength and weakness; LOVE. [Read: Tips to write a romantic love letter]. I have shared so many memories with her, so many special times and a few times which hurt me a lot. Is it the feeling that makes me want to jump out with joy? I wonder why. And if someone were to ask me what is love, all I’d have to do is look at her, because there’s no other way to define it. So don’t love too much……. The memory of that special night lingers in my mind like it was just last night. wow, i am doing a report on what love really is!! teach you a 5-step process for how to instantly dissolve your unwanted emotions and live your life with much more peace, freedom, and joy. To read the full blog post of what love is not, with explanations of each misconception, please click here. (I hope). Love can sit on the shelf next to lies. But the love of other people is directional. There is the passionate sex pounding heart sex love, the I adore you for what you do for me love, the I hate you, but I love you love, and then I tolerate you love. As Leo Tolstoy wrote: ‘People move, inconspicuously but ceaselessly, towards the kingdom of God, which will be achieved by unification in love.” Love with all your heart, with all you have, fiercely protect your righteousness, and love will be your destiny. The people of this world need you. I longed for her to come back. What is the definition of love?" Perhaps I still don’t know what love is, because no one has ever told me what love is. I just couldn’t find it justifiable to explain so many intangible feelings in a little four letter word. No one can understand what another person’s definition of love is, nor can anyone ever replicate another person’s love. And soon after that it is something called as MISTAKE… What is the definition of love? Six magical days, I still remember the way we just sat on a lawn on the last afternoon, and played with the little flowers that grew on the ground beneath us. The purpose of our lives is to learn to love better each and everyday. Never wanting to see him go and waiting for him to come back home. I just want her to know that, come hell or high water, I would love her forever… After all, she is the definition of love and the true meaning of love for me, through the good and the bad. For the past two hours, I’ve been crying continuously. I could only imagine how miserable he felt inside his jovial and happy exterior. All of your life you can love. (n.d.) Retrieved from […]. Given you children, milked your cow Definition of love. It is when one person believes in another person and shows it. We would have a healthier conception of love if we understood that love, like parenting or friendship, is a feeling that expresses itself in action. You are god’s own messenger spreading love like this. Do You Want Help Living A Life Without Suffering? When we are with someone, and believing our judgments, commentary, or labels about them, this puts up a wall or a barrier between us. I wish I could write a better description of love, but that would take too long and it would be longer than the one I just did. But I did tell her that I loved her, but I’ve been thinking about that ever since the day I told her that, is it love really, what I feel for her? I was a small boy peeping through the glass window and admiring the most beautiful object I could ever wish for. The word is mostly used according to the first definition given in the dictionary: “an intense feeling of deep affection.” In other words, love is what one feels. Perhaps love is just a word we use when we have to define a feeling that just can’t be described, a feeling that no one else can understand but you. In the absence of judgment, love is what remains. To understand what is the meaning of love, we really need to understand what prevents us from loving. Love is felt best when we try to please our partner, isn’t it? Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our. I think it was, and I wondered if I felt the same way. When we see people who fall short of the goodness that they could be of, we are saddened and wishes that we could help them to achieve the great goodness that they could be capable of. Love? [Read: Advice to have a perfect new relationship]. Required fields are marked *. Love should be seen not as a feeling but as an enacted emotion. I don’t know why I’ve stopped those little gestures that mattered so much. I’ve only read about it in books and listened to songs that try to explain the meaning of love. But if love is the only word that I can use to describe the ocean of emotions that well within my heart, then so be it. Answer: Love can be a challenge to define at the level of how a person experiences it. I really do love her more than I could love anyone else. Love. Since we are naturally happy when we are living in the moment, there is nothing we need or want from others. Love can only be felt. I would fight for our love, stand up for our love, die for my love. Love is completely selfless. I felt sad for him, but what he said made me understand what love means. Yes, you can love things that do not love you back—the sky or a mountain or a painting or the game of chess. Your email address will not be published. When we see people who captures our hearts, it is because something in them inspires/reminds us of that goodness. I’ll never for get him and that’s a fact cos the more I try to forget him, the more I fall for him.. I’m so much in love with him but he’s not sure of my love for him..

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