The doctor said it was a good thing that I had not waited for the ambulance as she could have gone into a coma. If you struggle with test anxiety, there are strategies that may help, such as thorough preparation, relaxation techniques, and getting help from others. An Ideal School In 21St Century 1 I wrote this essay for a contest. Focusing on that will in turn allow you to do better, as you won't waste thought and study-time worrying about others. Practice self-affirmation - the process of transforming your thoughts to focus on the positive and downplay the negative. I waste so much time thinking that others are better than me. Visualize what you studied the night before. Our mission is to provide an online platform to help students to discuss anything and everything about Essay. When you wake up the morning of the exam, eat a protein-filled breakfast, and avoid sugar, which could cause your energy to crash later in the day. Remember that it doesn't matter if someone scores higher than you, as long as you do your absolute best. I feel nervous before starting the exam. Keep reading for tips from our reviewer on studying for your exam! wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has been viewed 225,367 times. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. ", "Really good. Please consider making a contribution to wikiHow today. Take your time preparing for the test and taking the test. Challenge your negative thoughts. Watch a funny movie or TV show, read a funny book or comic. Disclaimer Copyright. One way to calm down is to rub your hands together until they're warm. Then put your hands on your face and think of something that makes you happy. I would have prepared for a majority of the portions of the exams before the final day (if not all).That is how I am used to studying,as I … % of people told us that this article helped them. Think about how bad/well you're doing. You need a solid understanding of a concept to be able to explain it to someone who doesn’t know much about it. Making a study schedule can help you to avoid allowing other activities to interfere with studying. "Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us, as we grasp them by the blade or the handle- Herman Melville (Moby Dick author)" - Teacher, Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire. He told me to pour some sugar solution down her throat and call for an ambulance. If you will be taking an essay exam, practice writing essay responses while you study. I was completely stressed, and this helped me gain confidence. Invite students at a variety of ability levels into the group. Take enough time to do yourself justice. This article received 19 testimonials and 90% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. What if I come to a question I can't answer? Breathe. Create a one-page summary with the most important ideas, equations, or methods for the exam. Ignore details that aren't likely to be on the test. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 225,367 times. that I can't sleep before exams! What should I do if I can't remember long answers? advertisement. ", surely score above 90% in my ICSE Board Examination. Plan to study for about 45 minutes at a time. If appropriate, you could clarify key concepts. Other People Believe... What Do You Feel Is An Appropriate Balance Between Being Successful Financially And The Need To Serve Others... Christmas - Waas Jesus Christ Born On Christmas Day. how's my 'ideal school'? ", "It helped me to understand to reduce stress. I prepare for exam from the beginning, but in the last 1 or 2 days before the exam, I can't study well. Search Results. Immediately I called the doctor who had attended to her and asked him what I should do. Keep your learning style in mind when creating your study tools. If the test is later in the day or the evening, or if you just couldn’t get a full night’s sleep, take a nap. Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Thank you! Walking. Stretching. Students can learn from teaching each other.

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